changeset 488 8e8c25bf32f7
parent 487 ef261e04aa6b
child 489 d476c1718ce0
equal deleted inserted replaced
487:ef261e04aa6b 488:8e8c25bf32f7
     1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
     3 use strict;
     4 use warnings FATAL => 'all';
     5 use integer;
     6 use Data::Dumper;
     7 use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
     8 use File::Copy;
     9 use Text::Wrap;
    10 use File::Basename;
    11 use Cwd;
    12 use POSIX qw(strftime);
    14 sub blab {
    15     print 'debmaker: ', @_, "\n";
    16 }
    17 sub warning {
    18     blab 'WARNING: ', @_;
    19     sleep 2;
    20 }
    21 sub fatal {
    22     blab 'FATAL: ', @_;
    23     exit 1;
    24 }
    25 sub my_chdir {
    26     my ($path) = @_;
    27     chdir $path or fatal "Can't chdir() to `$path': $!";
    28 }
    29 sub my_symlink {
    30     my ($src, $dst) = @_;
    31     symlink $src, $dst
    32         or fatal "Can't create symlink `$src' -> `$dst': $!"
    33 }
    34 sub my_hardlink {
    35     my ($src, $dst) = @_;
    37     # For harlink creating target file must be accessible:
    38     my $pwd = getcwd;
    39     my $dir = dirname $dst;
    40     my_chdir $dir;
    41     link $src, $dst
    42         or fatal "Can't create hardlink `$src' -> `$dst': $!";
    43     my_chdir $pwd;
    44 }
    45 sub my_copy {
    46     my ($src, $dst) = @_;
    47     copy $src, $dst
    48         or fatal "Can't copy `$src' to `$dst': $!";
    49 }
    50 sub my_chown {
    51     my ($u, $g, $path) = @_;
    52     my $uid = getpwnam $u;
    53     my $gid = getgrnam $g;
    54     chown $uid, $gid, $path
    55          or fatal "Can't chown ($u.$g) `$path': $!";
    56 }
    57 sub my_chmod {
    58     my ($mode, $path) = @_;
    59     chmod oct($mode), $path
    60         or fatal "Can't chmod ($mode) `$path': $!";
    61 }
    62 sub my_mkdir {
    63     my ($path, $mode) = @_;
    64     if (defined $mode) {
    65         mkdir $path, oct($mode)
    66             or fatal "Can't create dir `$path' with mode `$mode': $!";
    67     } else{
    68         mkdir $path
    69             or fatal "Can't create dir `$path': $!";
    70     }
    71 }
    72 sub uniq {
    73     my ($array_ref) = @_;
    74     my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @$array_ref;
    75     @$array_ref = keys %hash;
    76 }
    78 sub shell_exec {
    79     my ($cmd) = @_;
    80     blab "executing `$cmd'";
    81     system($cmd);
    82     if ($? == -1) {
    83         fatal "failed to execute: $!";
    84     } elsif ($? & 127) {
    85         fatal (printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump",
    86             ($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without')
    87     } else {
    88         my $rc = $? >> 8;
    89         if ($rc != 0) {
    90             warning "child exited with value $rc";
    91         }
    92     }
    93 }
    94 sub get_command_line {
    95     my ($map_ref, $hash_ref) = @_;
    96     my $res = '';
    97     foreach my $k (keys %$map_ref) {
    98         $res .= " $$map_ref{$k} '$$hash_ref{$k}'" if exists $$hash_ref{$k};
    99     }
   100     return $res;
   101 }
   102 sub write_file {
   103     my ($filename, $content) = @_;
   104     blab "Writing file `$filename'";
   105     if (open FD, '>', $filename) {
   106         print FD $content;
   107         close FD;
   108     } else {
   109         fatal "Can't write to file `$filename': $!"
   110     }
   111 }
   112 sub write_script {
   113     my ($filename, $content) = @_;
   114     $content = "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n$content";
   115     write_file $filename, $content;
   116     my_chmod '0555', $filename;
   117 }
   119 sub get_output {
   120     my ($cmd) = @_;
   121     if (open OUT, "$cmd |") {
   122         my @lines = <OUT>;
   123         close OUT;
   124         chomp @lines;
   125         warning "Empty output from `$cmd'" unless @lines;
   126         return \@lines;
   127     } else {
   128         fatal "Can't execute `$cmd': $!"
   129     }
   130 }
   131 sub get_output_line {
   132     return (@{get_output @_})[0];
   133 }
   135 sub trim {
   136     # works with refs:
   137     $$_ =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/ foreach @_;
   138 }
   141 # Expected input for @PROTO_DIRS:
   142 # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks/build/prototype/i386/mangled
   143 # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks/build/prototype/i386
   144 # -d .
   145 # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks
   146 # -d elinks-0.11.7
   147 # (like debian/tmp)
   148 my @PROTO_DIRS = ();
   150 # Where to create debs prototypes
   151 # (like debian/pkg-name)
   152 my $DEBS_DIR = '';
   154 # If true, will use manifests from command line
   155 # to resolve dependencies:
   156 my $BOOTSTRAP = 0;
   158 my $MAINTAINER = 'Nexenta Systems <[email protected]>';
   159 my $VERSION = '0.0.0';
   160 my $ARCH = 'solaris-i386';
   161 my $SOURCE = 'xxx'; # only for *.changes
   162 my $DISTRIB = 'unstable'; # only for *.changes
   164 # Mapping file => IPS FMRI, filled on bootstrap:
   165 my %PATHS = ();
   167 GetOptions (
   168     'd=s' => \@PROTO_DIRS,
   169     'D=s' => \$DEBS_DIR,
   170     'V=s' => \$VERSION,
   171     'A=s' => \$ARCH,
   172     'M=s' => \$MAINTAINER,
   173     'S=s' => \$SOURCE,
   174     'N=s' => \$DISTRIB,
   175     'bootstrap!' => \$BOOTSTRAP,
   176     'help|h' => sub {usage()},
   177 ) or usage();
   179 sub usage {
   180     print <<USAGE;
   181 Usage: $0 [options] -D <output dir> -d <proto dir> [-d <proto dir> ... ] manifests
   183 Options:
   185     -d <proto dir>     where to find files (like debian/tmp)
   187     -D <output dir>    where to create package structure and debs,
   188                        <output dir>/pkg-name and
   189                        <output dir>/pkg-name*.deb will be created
   191     -V <version>       version of created packages (default is `$VERSION'),
   192                        may be 'ips' to use the same as for IPS system.
   194     -A <architecture>  package architecture, default is `$ARCH'
   196     -S <source name>   package source name to make reprepro happy
   197                        with *.changes files, default is `$SOURCE'
   199     -N <dist name>     distribution  name to make reprepro happy
   200                        with *.changes files, default is `$DISTRIB'
   202     -M <maintainer>    Package maintainer - mandatory for debs,
   203                        default is `$MAINTAINER'
   205     --bootstrap        Search for dependencies within listed manifests,
   206                        not within installed system (for bootstraping)
   207                        ** not implemented yet **
   209     -h, --help         Show help info
   211 USAGE
   212     exit 1;
   213 }
   215 sub parse_keys {
   216     my ($line) = @_;
   217     # parse:
   218     # name=pkg.summary value="advanced text-mode WWW browser"
   219     # into:
   220     # 'name' => pkg.summary
   221     # 'value' => "advanced text-mode WWW browser"
   222     #
   223     # TODO: add support for dublicates: dir=dir1 dir=dir2
   224     my %pairs = ($line =~ m/((?:\\.|[^= ]+)*)=("(?:\\.|[^"\\]+)*"|(?:\\.|[^ "\\]+)*)/g);
   225     foreach my $k (keys %pairs) {
   226         $pairs{$k} =~ s/^"(.+)"$/$1/;
   227     }
   228     return \%pairs;
   229 }
   231 sub read_manifest {
   232     my ($filename) = @_;
   233     my %data = ();
   234     $data{'dir'} = [];
   235     $data{'file'} = [];
   236     $data{'link'} = [];
   237     $data{'hardlink'} = [];
   238     $data{'depend'} = [];
   239     $data{'legacy'} = [];
   240     $data{'group'} = [];
   241     $data{'user'} = [];
   242     $data{'license'} = [];
   244     if (open IN, '<', $filename) {
   245         while (<IN>) {
   246             study; chomp;
   247             if (/^set +/) {
   248                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   249                 $data{$$pairs{'name'}} = $$pairs{'value'};
   250             } elsif (/^dir +/) {
   251                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   252                 push @{$data{'dir'}}, $pairs;
   253             } elsif (/^file +(\S+) +/) {
   254                 my $maybe_src = $1;
   255                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   256                 $$pairs{'src'} = $maybe_src if $maybe_src ne 'NOHASH';
   257                 push @{$data{'file'}}, $pairs;
   258             } elsif (/^link +/) {
   259                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   260                 push @{$data{'link'}}, $pairs;
   261             } elsif (/^hardlink +/) {
   262                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   263                 push @{$data{'hardlink'}}, $pairs;
   264             } elsif (/^depend +/) {
   265                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   266                 push @{$data{'depend'}}, $pairs;
   267             } elsif (/^legacy +/) {
   268                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   269                 push @{$data{'legacy'}}, $pairs;
   270             } elsif (/^group +/) {
   271                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   272                 push @{$data{'group'}}, $pairs;
   273             } elsif (/^user +/) {
   274                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   275                 push @{$data{'user'}}, $pairs;
   276             } elsif (/^license +(\S+) +/) {
   277                 my $maybe_src = $1;
   278                 my $pairs = parse_keys $_;
   279                 $$pairs{'src'} = $maybe_src if $maybe_src !~ /=/;
   280                 push @{$data{'license'}}, $pairs;
   281             } elsif (/^\s*$/) {
   282                 # Skip empty lines
   283             } elsif (/^\s*#/) {
   284                 # Skip comments
   285             } else {
   286                 warning "Unknown action: `$_'";
   287             }
   288             # TODO:
   289             # user - to create users (in postinstall?)
   290             # restart_fmri - restart SMF
   291         }
   292         close IN;
   293         return \%data;
   294     } else {
   295         fatal "Can't open `$filename': $!";
   296     }
   297 }
   299 sub get_debpkg_names {
   300 #    pkg:/web/browser/[email protected],5.11-1.1
   301 # => web-browser-elinks
   302 #        browser-elinks
   303 #                elinks
   304 #   Also works for "original_name"=pkg:/web/browser/elinks:usr/bin/Elinks
   305     my ($fmri) = @_;
   306     my @names = ();
   307     if ($fmri =~ m,^(?:pkg:/)?([^:@]+)(?:[:@].+)?$,) {
   308         my $pkg = $1;
   309         my @parts = split /\//, $pkg;
   310         while (@parts) {
   311             push @names, (join '-', @parts);
   312             shift @parts;
   313         }
   314         return @names;
   315     } else {
   316         fatal "Can't parse FMRI to get dpkg name: `$fmri'";
   317     }
   318 }
   319 sub get_debpkg_name {
   320     return (get_debpkg_names @_)[0]
   321 }
   323 sub get_ips_version {
   324 #    pkg:/web/browser/[email protected],5.11-1.1
   325 # => 0.11.5-5.11-1.1
   326     my ($fmri) = @_;
   327     if ($fmri =~ m,^(?:pkg:/)?[^@]+@(.+)$,) {
   328         my $ips = $1;
   329         $ips =~ s/[,:]/-/g;
   330         return $ips;
   331     } else {
   332         fatal "Can't parse FMRI to get IPS version: `$fmri'";
   333     }
   334 }
   336 sub get_pkg_section {
   337     my ($pkgname) = @_;
   338     if ($pkgname =~ m,^([^-@]+)-.*,) {
   339         return (split /-/, $pkgname)[0];
   340     } elsif ($pkgname =~ m,^pkg:/([^/]+)/.*,) {
   341         return $1;
   342     } else {
   343         fatal "Can't get section for package `$pkgname'"
   344     }
   345 }
   347 sub get_dir_size {
   348     my ($path) = @_;
   349     # We get size just after files are copied
   350     # and need sync() to get proper sizes:
   351     my $out = get_output("sync && du -sk $path | cut -f 1");
   352     return $$out[0];
   353 }
   355 sub find_pkgs_with_paths {
   356     my @paths = @_;
   357     s,^/+,,g foreach @paths;
   358     my $dpkg = get_output('dpkg-query --search -- ' . join(' ',  @paths) . ' | cut -d: -f1');
   359     return $dpkg;
   360 }
   362 sub guess_required_deps {
   363     my ($path) = @_;
   364     my $elfs = get_output("find $path -type f -exec file {} \\; | grep ELF | cut -d: -f1");
   365     my @deps = ();
   366     if (@$elfs) {
   367     #   my $libs = get_output('ldd ' . join(' ', @$elfs) . ' | grep "=>"');
   368         my $libs = get_output('elfdump -d ' . join(' ', @$elfs) . ' | grep NEEDED | awk \'{print $4}\'');
   369         uniq $libs;
   370         my $pkgs = find_pkgs_with_paths @$libs;
   371         push @deps, @$pkgs;
   372     }
   373     return \@deps;
   374 }
   377 if (!$DEBS_DIR) {
   378     fatal "Output dir is not set. Use -D option."
   379 }
   380 if (! -d $DEBS_DIR) {
   381     fatal "Not a directory: `$DEBS_DIR'"
   382 }
   384 # Walk through all manifests
   385 # and collect files, symlinks, hardlink
   386 # mapping them to package names:
   387 if ($BOOTSTRAP) {
   388     blab "Bootstrap: collecting paths ...";
   389     foreach my $manifest_file (@ARGV) {
   390         my $manifest_data = read_manifest $manifest_file;
   391         my $fmri = $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'};
   392         my @items = ();
   393         if (my @files = @{$$manifest_data{'file'}}) {
   394             push @items, @files;
   395         }
   396         if (my @symlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'link'}}) {
   397             push @items, @symlinks;
   398         }
   399         if (my @hardlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'hardlink'}}) {
   400             push @items, @hardlinks;
   401         }
   402         foreach my $item (@items) {
   403             my $path = $$item{'path'};
   404             if (exists $PATHS{$path}) {
   405                 warning "`$path' already present in `$PATHS{$path}' and now found in `$fmri' (manifest `$manifest_file')"
   406             } else {
   407                 $PATHS{$path} = $fmri;
   408             }
   409         }
   410     }
   411     blab 'Bootstrap: ' . (keys %PATHS) . ' known paths'
   412 }
   415 my %changes = ();
   416 $changes{'Date'} = strftime '%a, %d %b %Y %T %z', localtime; # Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:08:17 +0200
   417 $changes{'Architecture'} = $ARCH;
   418 $changes{'Format'} = '1.8';
   419 $changes{'Maintainer'} = $MAINTAINER;
   420 $changes{'Source'} = lc $SOURCE;
   421 $changes{'Version'} = $VERSION;
   422 $changes{'Distribution'} = $DISTRIB;
   423 $changes{'Changes'} = 'Everything has changed';
   424 $changes{'Description'} = '';
   425 $changes{'Checksums-Sha1'} = '';
   426 $changes{'Checksums-Sha256'} = '';
   427 $changes{'Files'} = '';
   428 $changes{'Binary'} = '';
   431 foreach my $manifest_file (@ARGV) {
   432     blab "****** Manifest: `$manifest_file'";
   433     my $manifest_data = read_manifest $manifest_file;
   434     my @provides = get_debpkg_names $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'};
   435     my $debname = shift @provides; # main name (web-browser-elinks)
   436     my $debsection = get_pkg_section $debname;
   437     my $debpriority = exists $$manifest_data{'pkg.priority'} ?  $$manifest_data{'pkg.priority'} : 'optional';
   438     my @replaces = ();
   440     foreach my $l (@{$$manifest_data{'legacy'}}) {
   441         push @provides, get_debpkg_name $$l{'pkg'};
   442     }
   443     my $pkgdir = "$DEBS_DIR/$debname";
   444     blab "Main package name: $debname";
   446     my $ipsversion = get_ips_version $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'};
   447     my $debversion = undef;
   448     if ($VERSION eq 'ips') {
   449         blab "Using IPS version scheme: $ipsversion";
   450         $debversion = $ipsversion;
   451     } else {
   452         blab "Using given version: $VERSION";
   453         $debversion = $VERSION;
   454     }
   456     # Make sure to work with empty tree:
   457     # mkdir will fail if dir exists
   458     my_mkdir $pkgdir;
   460     # Believe that dirs are listed in proper order:
   461     # usr, usr/bin, etc
   462     if (my @dirs = @{$$manifest_data{'dir'}}) {
   463         blab "Making dirs ...";
   464         foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
   465             my $dir_name = "$pkgdir/$$dir{'path'}";
   466             my_mkdir $dir_name, $$dir{'mode'};
   467             my_chown $$dir{'owner'}, $$dir{'group'}, $dir_name;
   468             push @replaces, get_debpkg_name $$dir{original_name} if exists $$dir{original_name};
   469         }
   470     }
   472     my @conffiles = ();
   473     if (my @files = @{$$manifest_data{'file'}}) {
   474         blab "Copying files ...";
   475         foreach my $file (@files) {
   476             my $dst = "$pkgdir/$$file{'path'}";
   477             my $src = exists $$file{'src'} ? $$file{'src'} : $$file{'path'};
   478             # find $src in @PROTO_DIRS:
   479             my $src_dir = undef;
   480             foreach my $d (@PROTO_DIRS) {
   481                 #
   482                 $src_dir = $d;
   483                 last if -f "$src_dir/$src";
   484             }
   485             fatal "file `$src' not found in ", join(', ', @PROTO_DIRS)
   486                 unless $src_dir;
   488             $src = "$src_dir/$src";
   489             my_copy $src, $dst;
   490             my_chown $$file{'owner'}, $$file{'group'}, $dst;
   491             my_chmod $$file{'mode'}, $dst;
   493             push @conffiles, $$file{'path'} if exists $$file{'preserve'};
   494             push @replaces, get_debpkg_name $$file{original_name} if exists $$file{original_name};
   495         }
   496     }
   498     if (my @hardlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'hardlink'}}) {
   499         blab "Creating hardlinks ...";
   500         foreach my $link (@hardlinks) {
   501             my_hardlink $$link{'target'}, "$pkgdir/$$link{'path'}";
   502         }
   503     }
   504     if (my @symlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'link'}}) {
   505         blab "Creating symlinks ...";
   506         foreach my $link (@symlinks) {
   507             my_symlink $$link{'target'}, "$pkgdir/$$link{'path'}";
   508         }
   509     }
   511     if (my @license = @{$$manifest_data{'license'}}) {
   512         # FIXME: install in usr/share/doc/<pkg>/copyright
   513         # what are the owner, permissions?
   514         # multiple licenses?
   515     }
   516     my $installed_size = get_dir_size($pkgdir);
   518     my @depends = ();
   519     my @predepends = ();
   520     my @recommends = ();
   521     my @suggests = ();
   522     my @conflicts = ();
   523     blab "Getting dependencies ...";
   524     foreach my $dep (@{$$manifest_data{'depend'}}) {
   525         if ($$dep{'fmri'} ne '__TBD') {
   526             my $dep_pkg = (get_debpkg_names($$dep{'fmri'}))[0];
   527             blab "Dependency: $dep_pkg ($$dep{'type'})";
   528             push @depends,    $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'require';
   529             push @predepends, $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'origin';
   530             push @suggests,   $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'optional';
   531             push @conflicts,  $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'exclude';
   532         }
   533     }
   534     push @depends, @{guess_required_deps($pkgdir)};
   536     uniq \@depends;
   537     uniq \@replaces;
   538     uniq \@provides;
   539     uniq \@predepends;
   540     uniq \@recommends;
   541     uniq \@suggests;
   542     uniq \@conflicts;
   543     # When a program and a library are in the same package:
   544     @depends = grep {$_ ne $debname} @depends;
   547     my $control = '';
   548     $control .= "Package: $debname\n";
   549     $control .= "Source: $changes{Source}\n";
   550     $control .= "Version: $debversion\n";
   551     $control .= "Section: $debsection\n";
   552     $control .= "Priority: $debpriority\n";
   553     $control .= "Maintainer: $MAINTAINER\n";
   554     $control .= "Architecture: $ARCH\n";
   557     $control .= "Description: $$manifest_data{'pkg.summary'}\n";
   558     $changes{'Description'} .= "\n $debname - $$manifest_data{'pkg.summary'}";
   560     $control .= wrap(' ', ' ', $$manifest_data{'pkg.description'}) . "\n"
   561         if exists $$manifest_data{'pkg.description'};
   563     $control .= 'Provides: '    . join(', ', @provides)   . "\n" if @provides;
   564     $control .= 'Depends: '     . join(', ', @depends)    . "\n" if @depends;
   565     $control .= 'Pre-Depends: ' . join(', ', @predepends) . "\n" if @predepends;
   566     $control .= 'Recommends: '  . join(', ', @recommends) . "\n" if @recommends;
   567     $control .= 'Suggests: '    . join(', ', @suggests)   . "\n" if @suggests;
   568     $control .= 'Conflicts: '   . join(', ', @conflicts)  . "\n" if @conflicts;
   569     $control .= 'Replaces: '    . join(', ', @replaces)   . "\n" if @replaces;
   571     $control .= "Installed-Size: $installed_size\n";
   573     $control .= "Origin: $$manifest_data{'info.upstream_url'}\n"
   574         if exists $$manifest_data{'info.upstream_url'};
   575     $control .= "X-Source-URL: $$manifest_data{'info.source_url'}\n"
   576         if exists $$manifest_data{'info.source_url'};
   577     $control .= "X-FMRI: $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'}\n";
   579     my_mkdir "$pkgdir/DEBIAN";
   581     write_file "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/control", $control;
   583     if (@conffiles) {
   584        write_file "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/conffiles", (join "\n", @conffiles);
   585     }
   587     my $preinst = '';
   588     my $postinst = '';
   589     my $prerm = '';
   590     my $postrm = '';
   591     if (my @groups = @{$$manifest_data{'group'}}) {
   592         foreach my $g (@groups) {
   593             my $cmd = "if ! getent group $$g{'groupname'} >/dev/null; then\n";
   594             $cmd .= "echo Adding group $$g{'groupname'}\n";
   595             $cmd .= 'groupadd';
   596             $cmd .= get_command_line {
   597                 'gid' => '-g'
   598                 }, $g;
   599             $cmd .= " $$g{'groupname'} || true\n";
   600             $cmd .= "fi\n";
   601             $preinst .= $cmd;
   602         }
   603     }
   604     if (my @users = @{$$manifest_data{'user'}}) {
   605         foreach my $u (@users) {
   606             my $cmd = "if ! getent passwd $$u{'username'} >/dev/null; then\n";
   607             $cmd .= "echo Adding user $$u{'username'}\n";
   608             $cmd .= 'useradd';
   609             $cmd .= get_command_line {
   610                 'uid' => '-u',
   611                 'group' => '-g',
   612                 'gcos-field' => '-c',
   613                 'home-dir' => '-d',
   614                 'uid' => '-u',
   615                 'login-shell' => '-s',
   616                 'group-list' => '-G',
   617                 'inactive' => '-f',
   618                 'expire' => '-e',
   619                 }, $u;
   620             $cmd .= " $$u{'username'} || true\n";
   621             $cmd .= "fi\n";
   622             $preinst .= $cmd;
   623         }
   624     }
   626     write_script "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/preinst", $preinst if $preinst;
   628     my $pkg_deb = "${pkgdir}_${debversion}_${ARCH}.deb";
   629     # FIXME: we need GNU tar
   630     shell_exec(qq|PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin dpkg-deb -b "$pkgdir" "$pkg_deb"|);
   632     my $sha1   = get_output_line "sha1sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1";
   633     my $sha256 = get_output_line "sha256sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1";
   634     my $md5sum = get_output_line "md5sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1";
   635     my $size   = (stat $pkg_deb)[7];
   636     my $pkg_deb_base = basename $pkg_deb;
   638     $changes{'Checksums-Sha1'} .= "\n $sha1 $size $pkg_deb_base";
   639     $changes{'Checksums-Sha256'} .= "\n $sha256 $size $pkg_deb_base";
   640     $changes{'Files'} .= "\n $md5sum $size $debsection $debpriority $pkg_deb_base";
   641     $changes{'Binary'} .= " $debname";
   642 }
   644 my $changes_cnt = join "\n", map {"$_: $changes{$_}"} sort keys %changes;
   645 write_file "$DEBS_DIR/$changes{'Source'}.changes", $changes_cnt;