author dcarbery
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:46:17 +0000
changeset 19195 352a4716f1f3
parent 7426 fe3a6cc71900
child 8312 4f5945b7e7ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
2006-10-23 Damien Carbery <[email protected]> * docs/ssa/*: Remove these, as they're now up on the JDS project pages under 'Tasks/Single Sys Admin'.

# spec file for package poppler
# Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
Name:         poppler
License:      GPL
Group:        System/Libraries
Version:      0.5.3
Release:      1 
Distribution: Java Desktop System
Vendor:       Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Summary:      PDF Rendering Library
Source:       http://poppler.freedesktop.org/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Patch1:       poppler-01-cflags.diff
Patch2:       poppler-02-uninstalled.pc.diff
URL:          http://poppler.freedesktop.org/
BuildRoot:    %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Docdir:       %{_docdir}/%{name}
Autoreqprov:  on
Prereq:       /sbin/ldconfig

%define cairo_version 0.5.0
%define gtk2_version 2.4.0

Requires:      cairo >= %{cairo_version}
Requires:      gtk2 >= %{gtk2_version}

BuildRequires: cairo-devel >= %{cairo_version}
BuildRequires: gtk2-devel >= %{gtk2_version}

Obsoletes:     xpdf <= 3.0
Provides:      xpdf = 3.0

Poppler is a fork of the xpdf PDF viewer developed by Derek Noonburg
of Glyph and Cog, LLC.  The purpose of forking xpdf is twofold.
First, we want to provide PDF rendering functionality as a shared
library, to centralize the maintenence effort.  Today a number of
applications incorporate the xpdf code base, and whenever a security
issue is discovered, all these applications exchange patches and put
out new releases.  In turn, all distributions must package and release
new version of these xpdf based viewers.  It's safe to say that
there's a lot of duplicated effort with the current situaion.  Even if
poppler in the short term introduces yet another xpdf derived code
base to the world, we hope that over time these applications will
adopt poppler.  After all, we only need one application to use poppler
to break even.

Second, we would like to move libpoppler forward in a number of areas
that doesn't fit within the goals of xpdf.  By design, xpdf depends on
very few libraries and runs a wide range of X based platforms.  This
is a strong feature and reasonable design goal.  However, with poppler
we would like to replace parts of xpdf that are now available as
standard components of modern Unix desktop environments.  One such
example is fontconfig, which solves the problem of matching and
locating fonts on the system, in a standardized and well understood
way.  Another example is cairo, which provides high quality 2D

%package devel
Summary:      PDF Rendering Library
Group:        Development/Libraries
Requires:     %{name} = %{version}
Requires:     cairo-devel >= %{cairo_version}
Requires:     gtk2-devel >= %{gtk2_version}

%description devel
Poppler is a fork of the xpdf PDF viewer developed by Derek Noonburg
of Glyph and Cog, LLC.  The purpose of forking xpdf is twofold.
First, we want to provide PDF rendering functionality as a shared
library, to centralize the maintenence effort.  Today a number of
applications incorporate the xpdf code base, and whenever a security
issue is discovered, all these applications exchange patches and put
out new releases.  In turn, all distributions must package and release
new version of these xpdf based viewers.  It's safe to say that
there's a lot of duplicated effort with the current situaion.  Even if
poppler in the short term introduces yet another xpdf derived code
base to the world, we hope that over time these applications will
adopt poppler.  After all, we only need one application to use poppler
to break even.

Second, we would like to move libpoppler forward in a number of areas
that doesn't fit within the goals of xpdf.  By design, xpdf depends on
very few libraries and runs a wide range of X based platforms.  This
is a strong feature and reasonable design goal.  However, with poppler
we would like to replace parts of xpdf that are now available as
standard components of modern Unix desktop environments.  One such
example is fontconfig, which solves the problem of matching and
locating fonts on the system, in a standardized and well understood
way.  Another example is cairo, which provides high quality 2D

%setup -q
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1

%ifos linux
if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
  CPUS=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep on-line | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
if test "x$CPUS" = "x" -o $CPUS = 0; then

libtoolize --force
aclocal $ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I . -I m4
automake -a -c -f
./configure --prefix=%{_prefix}		\
	    --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
	    --enable-poppler-glib	\
	    --mandir=%{_mandir}	        \
make -j $CPUS

rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la




%defattr(-, root, root)

%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)

* Sun Jun 11 2006 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.5.3 to fix the build of evince
* Tue Mar 14 2006 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.5.1 as required by evince 0.5.2.
* Sun Jan 22 2006 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.5.0, as required by evince 0.5.0.
- Point to 'm4' dir in aclocal call.
- Remove upstream patch, 01-freetype. Renumber others.
* Tue Jan 17 2006 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.4.4.
* Tue Jan 03 2006 - [email protected]
- Remove upstream patch, 02-macrofix.
* Tue Dec 20 2005 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.4.3
* Tue Nov 29 2005 - [email protected]
- add uninstalled.pc.diff patch so that poppler can be in the same Solaris
  pkg as evince
* Thu Oct 13 2005 - [email protected]
- Enable poppler-glib as it is required by evince.
* Fri Sep 30 2005 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.4.2
* Tue Sep 20 2005 - [email protected]
- add FREETYPE_CFLAGS to CFLAGS where needed
* Tue Aug 16 2005 - [email protected]
- Bump to 0.4.0.
* Tue Aug 16 2005 - [email protected]
- Initial spec file for poppler