author dermotm
Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:30:39 +0000
changeset 19949 94f49bf19351
parent 19906 7f89a9b1721f
permissions -rw-r--r--
access control test #4

# spec file for package gstreamer-plugins
# Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# package are under the same license as the package itself.
Name:           gstreamer-plugins
License:        LGPL
Version:        0.8.9
Release:        3
Distribution:   Java Desktop System
Vendor:         Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Group:          Libraries/Multimedia
Summary:        GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-ins.
Source1:        gst-launch-ext-0.8.1.gz
Source2:        gst-launch-ext.1.gz
Source3:        libogg.3.gz
Source4:        libvorbis.3.gz
Patch1:         gst-plugins-01-gettext.diff
Patch2:         gst-plugins-02-inline.diff
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/gst-plugins-%{version}-root
Docdir:         %{_defaultdocdir}/doc
Autoreqprov:    on
Prereq:         /sbin/ldconfig

%define 	majorminor	0.8

%define         _glib2          1.3.12

Requires:       glib2 >= %_glib2
BuildRequires:  glib2-devel >= %_glib2
Requires: 	gstreamer >= 0.8.0
BuildRequires: 	gstreamer-devel >= 0.8.0
BuildRequires:	gstreamer-tools >= 0.8.0
BuildRequires: libmusicbrainz-devel
BuildRequires: flac-devel
BuildRequires: speex-devel
BuildRequires: libtheora-devel
Requires:      libmusicbrainz
Requires:      flac
Requires:      speex
Requires:      libtheora

#Requires:      arts >= 2
#BuildRequires: arts-devel >= 2
#BuildRequires: gcc-c++
Requires:      audiofile >= 0.2.1
BuildRequires: audiofile-devel >= 0.2.1
#Requires:      cdparanoia
#BuildRequires: cdparanoia
Requires:      esound >= 0.2.8
BuildRequires: esound-devel >= 0.2.8
#Obsoletes:     gstreamer-esd
#Provides:      gstreamer-esd

Provides:		gstreamer-audiosink
Requires:      gnome-vfs >
BuildRequires: gnome-vfs-devel >
Requires:      libjpeg
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
#Requires:      mikmod
#BuildRequires: mikmod
Requires:      SDL >= 1.2.0
BuildRequires: SDL-devel >= 1.2.0
#SDL-devel should require XFree86-devel because it links to it
#only it doesn't seem to do that currently
BuildRequires: 	XFree86-devel
Requires:      libogg >= 1.0
Requires:      libvorbis >= 1.0
BuildRequires: libogg-devel >= 1.0
BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel >= 1.0
Requires:      libpng >= 1.2.0
BuildRequires: libpng-devel >= 1.2.0
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
#Requires:      libraw1394
#BuildRequires: libraw1394-devel
Requires: 	XFree86-libs
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel
Requires: 	GConf
BuildRequires: 	GConf-devel
# Snapshot plugin
Requires:	libpng

Obsoletes:	gstreamer-SDL
Provides:	gstreamer-SDL
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-alsa
Provides:	gstreamer-alsa
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-arts
#Provides:	gstreamer-arts
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-artsd
#Provides:	gstreamer-artsd
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-audiofile
Provides:	gstreamer-audiofile
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-audio-effects
Provides:	gstreamer-audio-effects
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-audio-formats
Provides:	gstreamer-audio-formats
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-cdparanoia	
#no provides since the library is not delivered
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-cdplayer
Provides:	gstreamer-cdplayer
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-esound
Provides:	gstreamer-esound
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-festival
Provides:	gstreamer-festival
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-flx
Provides:	gstreamer-flx
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-gconf
Provides:	gstreamer-gconf
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-gnomevfs
Provides:	gstreamer-gnomevfs
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-httpsrc	
#no provides since the library is not delivered
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-jpeg
Provides:	gstreamer-jpeg
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-libpng
Provides:	gstreamer-libpng
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-mikmod
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-mpegaudioparse	
#no provides since library is not delivered
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-oss
Provides:	gstreamer-oss
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-play
Provides:	gstreamer-play
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-plugin-libs
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-qcam
Provides:	gstreamer-qcam
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-raw1394
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-rtp
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-snapshot
Provides:	gstreamer-snapshot
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-vorbis
Provides:	gstreamer-vorbis
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-v4l		
#no provides since these libraries are not delivered
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-udp
Provides:	gstreamer-udp
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-vcd
Provides:	gstreamer-vcd
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-video-effects
Provides:	gstreamer-video-effects
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-videosink	
#no provides since the library is not delievered
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-videotest
Provides:	gstreamer-videotest
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-visualisation
Provides:	gstreamer-visualisation		
# though missing
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-xvideosink		
#no provides since the library is not delivered
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-yuv4mjpeg
Obsoletes:	gstreamer-colorspace
Provides:	gstreamer-colorspace
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-asf
#Obsoletes:	gstreamer-avi

GStreamer is a streaming-media framework, based on graphs of filters which
operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything
from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything
else media-related.  Its plugin-based architecture means that new data
types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new

%setup -n gst-plugins-%{version} -q
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1


%ifos linux
export PATH=%{JDS_CBE_prefix}/bin:$PATH
export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I %{JDS_CBE_prefix}/share/aclocal -I %{_datadir}/aclocal"

CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CFLAGS ; \
CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export CXXFLAGS ; \
FFLAGS="${FFLAGS:-%optflags}" ; export FFLAGS ; \
glib-gettextize -f
libtoolize -f
aclocal -I ./m4 -I ./common/m4
automake -a -c -f
# --with-plugins omits the following plugins:
# ac3parse, asfdemux, avi, cdxaparse, mpeg1sys, mpeg1videoparse, mpeg2sub,
# mpeg2audio, mpegaudioparse, mpegstream, monoscope, qtdemux, realmedia,
# rtjpeg, rtp, synaesthesia, vbidec, wavenc, wavparse, y4m.
# Plugins outside of the gst subdirectory can be disabled with the
# --disable-plugin syntax, and a number are also included.

# Temporary hack until OpenGL Mesa is delivered on Solaris X86/Nevada
%ifos solaris
./configure \
  --prefix=%{_prefix} \
  --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}   \
  --mandir=%{_mandir}   \
  --enable-external   	\
  --with-plugins="adder,alpha,audioconvert,audioscale,audiorate,auparse,autodetect,avi,chart,colorspace,cutter,debug,deinterlace,effectv,equalizer,festival,ffmpegcolorspace,filter,flx,games,goom,interleave,law,level,librfb,matroska,median,mixmatrix,multifilesink,multipart,overlay,passthrough,playback,playondemand,silence,sine,smooth,smpte,spectrum,speed,stereo,subparse,switch,tags,tcp,tta,typefind,udp,videobox,videocrop,videodrop,videoflip,videofilter,videomixer,videorate,videoscale,videotestsrc,volenv,volume,wavenc,wavparse" \
  --disable-aalib       \
  --disable-cairo 	\
  --disable-cdparanoia  \
  --disable-divx        \
  --disable-dts         \
  --disable-dxr3        \
  --disable-shout       \
  --disable-jack        \
  --disable-mikmod      \
  --disable-mplex       \
  --disable-sidplay     \
  --disable-xine        \
  --disable-a52dec      \
  --disable-dirac       \
  --disable-libdv       \
  --disable-dvdnav      \
  --disable-dvdread     \
  --disable-faad        \
  --disable-libfame     \
  --disable-gsm         \
  --disable-lame        \
  --disable-mad         \
  --disable-mpeg2dec    \
  --disable-mpeg2enc    \
  --disable-swfdec      \
  --disable-tarkin      \
  --disable-xvid 	\
./configure \
  --prefix=%{_prefix} \
  --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}   \
  --mandir=%{_mandir}   \
  --enable-external   	\
  --with-plugins="adder,alpha,audioconvert,audioscale,audiorate,auparse,autodetect,avi,chart,colorspace,cutter,debug,deinterlace,effectv,equalizer,festival,ffmpegcolorspace,filter,flx,games,goom,interleave,law,level,librfb,matroska,median,mixmatrix,multifilesink,multipart,overlay,passthrough,playback,playondemand,silence,sine,smooth,smpte,spectrum,speed,stereo,subparse,switch,tags,tcp,tta,typefind,udp,videobox,videocrop,videodrop,videoflip,videofilter,videomixer,videorate,videoscale,videotestsrc,volenv,volume,wavenc,wavparse" \
  --disable-aalib       \
  --disable-cdparanoia  \
  --disable-divx        \
  --disable-dts         \
  --disable-dxr3        \
  --disable-shout       \
  --disable-jack        \
  --disable-mikmod      \
  --disable-mplex       \
  --disable-sidplay     \
  --disable-xine        \
  --disable-a52dec      \
  --disable-dirac       \
  --disable-libdv       \
  --disable-dvdnav      \
  --disable-dvdread     \
  --disable-faad        \
  --disable-libfame     \
  --disable-gsm         \
  --disable-lame        \
  --disable-mad         \
  --disable-mpeg2dec    \
  --disable-mpeg2enc    \
  --disable-swfdec      \
  --disable-tarkin      \

if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
  (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0)
  make 2>&1 | tee make.log
  make 2>&1 | tee make.log

[ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ]
make prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_prefix} \
     exec_prefix=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_exec_prefix} \
     bindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_bindir} \
     sbindir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sbindir} \
     sysconfdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sysconfdir} \
     datadir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_datadir} \
     includedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_includedir} \
     libdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libdir} \
     libexecdir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_libexecdir} \
     localstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_localstatedir} \
     sharedstatedir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_sharedstatedir} \
     mandir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_mandir} \
     infodir=%{?buildroot:%{buildroot}}%{_infodir} \

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
install --mode=0644 %SOURCE1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
install --mode=0644 %SOURCE2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
install --mode=0644 %SOURCE3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3
install --mode=0644 %SOURCE4 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man3

# Clean out files that should not be part of the rpm.
# This is the recommended way of dealing with it for RH8
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gst-visualise-0.8
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{majorminor}/*.la
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{majorminor}/*.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la

rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{majorminor}/

[ -n "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -a "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != / ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

%defattr(-, root, root)

%{_bindir}/gst-register > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
for S in $SCHEMAS; do
 gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/$S >/dev/null

%package -n gstreamer-plugins-devel
Summary: 	GStreamer Plugin Library Headers.
Group: 		Development/Libraries
Requires: 	gstreamer-plugins = %{version}
Provides:	gstreamer-play-devel = %{version}

%description -n gstreamer-plugins-devel
GStreamer support libraries header files.

%files -n gstreamer-plugins-devel
%defattr(-, root, root)
# plugin helper library headers

# plugin interface headers
# library headers
# pkg-config files

* Mon sep 26 2005 - [email protected]
- Add patch 2 which defines "inline" functions as either
  "static inline" or "extern inline".  Just defining
  functions as "inline" breaks Forte.

* Tue Aug 02 2005 - [email protected]
- Enable building of flac

* Tue Jul 26 2005 - [email protected]
- Enable building of speex and theora plugins

* Mon Jul 25 2005 - [email protected]
- Enable building of musicbrainz plugin

* Fri Jul 01 2005 - [email protected]
- Added patch 02-pkgconfig.diff, for Solairs build with new pkg-config

* Mon Jun 06 2005 - [email protected]
- Removed patch for modifying uninstalled-pc file since it is no longer

* Fri Jun 03 2005 - [email protected]
- Add autodetect, equalizer, games, librfb, subparse, tta plugins which
  are new to 2.8.8.

* Fri May 13 2005 - [email protected]
- For the previous version of GStreamer, we were copying in a few files
  to fix GPL headers.  Took out this since it isn't needed and was 
  breaking the build.

* Tue Mar 15 2005 - [email protected]
- Add patch gst-plugins-13-query-position-osssrc.diff to fix bug #6238742
  Patch taken from HEAD.

* Fri Feb 25 2005 - [email protected]
- Add patch gst-plugins-12-query-length-wavparse.diff to fix bug #6226597
  Patch taken from HEAD.

* Fri Jan 28 2005 - [email protected]
- Cleaned up some obsoletion and provides conditions for gst-plugins
  To fix update bug 6222864.

* Fri Oct 29 2004 - [email protected]
- Add gst-launch-ext.1.gz to %files

* Thu Oct 28 2004 - [email protected]
- Add gst-launch-ext*, libogg.3, libvorbis.3 man pages

* Tue Oct 05 2004 - [email protected]
- Added patch gst-plugins-11-g11n-i18n-ui.diff to localize gnome-volume-control.
- Fixed 5108713
- updated gst-plugins-02-g11n-potfiles.diff

* Thu Sep 16 2004 - [email protected]
- Add patch 09 and 10 for bugs #5102383 and #5102465

* Wed Sep 01 2004 - [email protected]
- Add patch 07 to add an source element to sunaudio plugin

* Mon Aug 30 2004 - [email protected]
- Update gst-plugins-02-g11n-potfiles.diff

* Thu Aug 26 2004 - [email protected]
- No longer delete gstffmpegcolorspace since totem will not work without it.
  It does not use any MPEG licensed logic (ffmpeg refers to the ffmpeg
  module not MPEG).  Also don't delete since we never
  install it anyway with --disable-aalib.

* Thu Aug 26 2004 - [email protected]
- Obsoleted external plugin module, colorspace, asf and avi.
  These are now bundled into gstreamer-plugins.

* Tue Aug 24 2004 - [email protected]
- Build breakage fixed. Files removed in %install have to
  be removed from %files too. gst-visualize-0.8

* Fri Aug 20 2004 - [email protected]
- Removed dirac plugin.  The dirac website says they don't know if
  if has IP issues and that made SunLegal nervous. 

* Tue Aug 17 2004 - [email protected]
- Add patch 06 to add an mixer element to sunaudio plugin

* Wed Aug 11 2004 - [email protected]
- Add patch 05 to correct GPL licensing problem in gstvideo
  plugin.  Remove gst-visualise from install since it is a
  test program that we do not want to create a man page for.

* Mon Aug 09 2004 - [email protected]
- corrected Linux packaging.

* Mon Aug 09 2004 - [email protected]
- reset release when the version is bumped

* Fri Aug 06 2004 - [email protected]
- Fixed --disable arguments so that the appropriate plugins get
  disabled, added --with-plugins to disable the proper gst

* Thu Aug 05 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated to 0.8.3

* Thu Jul 29 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated to gst-plugins 0.8.2, making patches 1, 4, 5, and 8 go
  away since they were integrated into CVS head.  Fixed libtoolize
  call so it works for Solaris.  Added patch 6 to make wavparse work,
  and this patch will go away when we upgrade to gst-plugins 0.8.3

* Fri Jul 16 2004 - [email protected]
- Added patch to change default video sink to ximagesink when
  building on Solaris, since xvimagesink requires Xvideo which
  does not exist on Solaris. 

* Mon Jul 12 2004 - [email protected]
- ported to rpm4

* Thu Jul 08 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated l10n content to gst-plugins-l10n-po-1.2.tar.bz2

* Tue May 25 2004 - [email protected]
- Added gst-plugins-09-g11n-potfiles.diff

* Fri May 14 2004 - [email protected]
- added patch 08 from CVS head to support aligned memory access,
  needed for Solaris.
* Wed May 12 2004 - [email protected]
- Added changes to patch05 so that it contains more Solaris
  needed build patches.  Renamed patch to a more generic name.

* Wed May 12 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated l10n content to gst-plugins-l10n-po-1.1.tar.bz2

* Wed May 12 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated tarball to 0.8.1 as per Laca and Brian's request.

* Wed May 12 2004 - [email protected]
- jds-autotoolize
- change order of directories in the aclocal call so that the correct vorbis
  macro is picked up. The one that comes with SuSE appears to be broken.

* Mon May 10 2004 - [email protected]
- require gstreamer >= 0.8.0

* Fri Apr 16 2004 - [email protected]
- Removed rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT from top of %install section since this
  was breaking Solaris build.

* Fri Apr 2 2004 - [email protected]
- Updated to 0.8.0 release tarball from 2.6
  Also removed gst-plugins-04-remove-xopen-source.diff 
  because gstxwindow.c no longer exists in 0.8.0
  Also changed majorminor to 0.8, updated a number of entries
  in %files sections.

* Fri Apr 2 2004 - [email protected]
- Added patch 2 to fix Solaris Makefile issue, and replace tar jxf
  with the more solaris friendly bzcat piped through tar

* Mon Mar 29 2004 - [email protected]
- Adding gst-plugins-l10n-po-1.0.tar.bz2 l10n content

* Sun Mar 28 2004 Brian Cameron <[email protected]>
- Remove _XOPEN_SOURCE #define since it causes the Forte 
  compiler to be unable to compile this file.

* Mon Mar 22 2004 Niall Power <[email protected]>
- revert back to previous libtoolize invocation style
  until I figure out why .so files aren't being built.

* Tue Mar 16 2004 [email protected]
- Added gst-plugins-03-g11n-potfiles.diff
* Mon Mar 08 2004 Niall Power <[email protected]>
- add two patches to fix -uninstalled.pc files and
  to fix a gcc'ism in xwindowlistener.

* Wed Mar 03 2004 Ghee Teo <[email protected]>
- Corrected the Obsolete modules and sorted them correctly.

* Fri Feb 13 2004 Matt Keenan <[email protected]>
- Bump to 0.7.4

* Mon Jan 05 2004 Ghee Teo <[email protected]>
- Removed -%{majorminor} from gst-register because as a distro we do not
  need a parallel installed version of the program. That is, we should only
  have one version of the program only.

* Sun Nov 23 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Update spec file for latest changes
- add faad plugin
* Thu Oct 16 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Add new colorbalance and tuner and xoverlay stuff
- Change name of kde-audio-devel to arts-devel

* Sat Sep 27 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Add majorminor to man page names
- add navigation lib to package

* Tue Sep 11 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Add -%{majorminor} to each instance of gst-register

* Tue Aug 19 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Add new plugins

* Sat Jul 12 2003 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- move gst/ mpeg plugins to base package
- remove hermes conditional from snapshot
- remove one instance of resample plugin
- fix up silly versioned plugins efence and rmdemux

* Sat Jul 05 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Major overhaul of SPEC file to make it compatible with what Red Hat ships
  as default
- Probably a little less sexy, but cross-distro SPEC files are a myth anyway
  so making it convenient for RH users wins out
- Keeping conditionals even with new re-org so that developers building the
  RPMS don't need everything installed
- Add bunch of obsoletes to ease migration from earlier official GStreamer RPMS
- Remove plugins that doesn't exist anymore

* Sun Mar 02 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Remove USE_RTP statement from RTP plugin
- Move RTP plugin to no-deps section

* Sat Mar 01 2003 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Remove videosink from SPEC
* Thu Jan 23 2003 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- various fixes
- make video output packages provide gstreamer-videosink

* Thu Jan 23 2003 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- split out ffmpeg stuff to separate plugin

* Fri Dec 27 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- add virtual provides for audio sources and sinks

* Sun Dec 15 2002 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Update mpeg2dec REQ to be 0.3.1

* Tue Dec 10 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- only install schema once
- move out devel lib stuff to -devel package

* Sun Dec 08 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- fix location of libgstpng
- changes for parallel installability

* Thu Nov 28 2002 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Put in libgstpng plugin
- rm the libgstmedia-info stuff until thomas think they are ready

* Fri Nov 01 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- don't use compprep until ABI issues can be fixed

* Wed Oct 30 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- added smpte plugin
- split out dvdnavread package
- fixed snapshot deps and added hermes conditionals

* Tue Oct 29 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart dot org>
- added -play package, libs, and .pc files

* Thu Oct 24 2002 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Added wavenc to audio formats package

* Sat Oct 20 2002 Christian Scchaller <[email protected]>
- Removed all .la files
- added separate non-openquicktime demuxer plugin
- added snapshot plugin
- added videotest plugin
- Split avi plugin out to avi and windec plugins since aviplugin do not depend on avifile
- Added cdplayer plugin

* Fri Sep 20 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- added gst-compprep calls

* Wed Sep 18 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- add gst-register-%{majorminor} calls everywhere again since auto-reregister doesn't work
- added gstreamer-audio-formats to mad's requires since it needs the typefind
  to work properly

* Mon Sep 9 2002 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Added v4l2 plugin
* Thu Aug 27 2002 Christian Schaller <[email protected]>
- Added Gconf and floatcast headers to gstreamer-plugins-devel package
- Added mixmatrix plugin to audio-effects package

* Thu Jul 11 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- fixed oss package to buildrequire instead of require glibc headers

* Mon Jul 08 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- fixed -devel package group

* Fri Jul 05 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- release 0.4.0 !
- added gstreamer-libs.pc
- removed all gst-register-%{majorminor} calls since this should be done automatically now

* Thu Jul 04 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- fix issue with SDL package
- make all packages STRICTLY require the right version to avoid
  ABI issues
- make gst-plugins obsolete gst-plugin-libs
- also send output of gst-register-%{majorminor} to /dev/null to lower the noise

* Wed Jul 03 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- require glibc-devel instead of glibc-kernheaders since the latter is only
  since 7.3 and glibc-devel pulls in the right package anyway

* Sun Jun 23 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- changed header location of plug-in libs

* Mon Jun 17 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- major cleanups
- adding gst-register-%{majorminor} on postun everywhere
- remove ldconfig since we don't actually install libs in system dirs
- removed misc package
- added video-effects
- dot every Summary
- uniformify all descriptions a little

* Thu Jun 06 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- various BuildRequires: additions

* Tue Jun 04 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- added USE_LIBADSPA_TRUE bits to ladspa package

* Mon Jun 03 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- Added libfame package

* Mon May 12 2002 Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller <[email protected]>
- Added jack, dxr3, http packages
- Added visualisation plug-ins, effecttv and synaesthesia
- Created devel package
- Removed gstreamer-plugins-libs package (moved it into gstreamer-plugins)
- Replaced prefix/dirname with _macros

* Mon May 06 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- added gstreamer-GConf package

* Wed Mar 13 2002 Thomas Vander Stichele <[email protected]>
- added more BuildRequires and Requires
- rearranged some plug-ins
- added changelog ;)