author Bayard Bell <buffer.g.overflow@gmail.com>
Mon, 17 Oct 2011 21:30:04 +0100
changeset 0 c86b2b393e56
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial import of code provided by Alasdairrr and aszeszo

POFILES=`cd Solaris/po-sun; echo *.po`; \
PODIR=$(@D)/po; \
MSGCAT=$${MSGCAT:-msgcat}; \
MSGCAT_VERSION=`$$MSGCAT --version | head -1 | awk '{print $$NF}'`; \
MSGCAT_VERSION=`echo $$MSGCAT_VERSION | awk -F. '{ print $$1 * 1000 + $$2  * 100 + $$3; }'`; \
if [ $$MSGCAT_VERSION -lt 1500 ] ; then \
  MSGCAT=/usr/bin/msgcat; \
  MSGCAT_VERSION=`$$MSGCAT --version | head -1 | awk '{print $$NF}'`; \
  MSGCAT_VERSION=`echo $$MSGCAT_VERSION | awk -F. '{ print $$1 * 1000 + $$2  * 100 + $$3; }'`; \
  if [ $$MSGCAT_VERSION -lt 1500 ] ; then \
    printf "msgcat version 0.15 is required for msgctxt\n"; \
    printf "rf. http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/MsgctxtMigration\n"; \
    exit 1; \
  fi; \
fi; \
for po_sun in $POFILES; do \
  po=$PODIR/$$po_sun; \
  if test ! -f $$po; then \
    continue; \
  fi; \
  echo "Merging $$po_sun ..."; \
  header_community=$${po_sun}.header; \
  I=0; \
  exec < $$po; \
  while read line; \
  do \
    is_comment=`echo $$line | grep '^\#' | grep -v '^\#,'`; \
    if [ x"$$is_comment" = x ] ; then \
      break; \
    fi; \
    I=`expr $$I + 1`; \
  done; \
  exec <&-; \
  if [ $$I -ne 0 ] ; then \
    sed -ne "1,$${I}p" $$po > $$header_community; \
  fi; \
  po_sun_no_obs=$$po_sun.no_obs; \
  sed -e "/^\#~/d" $$po_sun > $$po_sun_no_obs; \
  if [ -f $$header_community ] ; then \
    $$MSGCAT --use-first $$po_sun_no_obs $$po -o $$po.$$; \
    cat $$header_community $$po.$$ > $$po; \
    rm $$header_community $$po.$$; \
  else \
    $$MSGCAT --use-first $$po_sun_no_obs $$po -o $$po; \
  fi; \