18105 api should support multiple repositories (origins) with different package data
authorShawn Walker <shawn.walker@oracle.com>
Thu, 12 May 2011 19:11:16 -0700
changeset 2352 3c17f86cd994
parent 2351 7df03b2b5024
child 2353 ff1f1e1a910e
18105 api should support multiple repositories (origins) with different package data 18107 pkg search returns no results and fails if a publisher with no origins is present
--- a/src/modules/catalog.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/modules/catalog.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -3387,27 +3387,44 @@
                 return self._attrs.updates
-        def update_entry(self, pfmri, metadata):
+        def update_entry(self, metadata, pfmri=None, pub=None, stem=None,
+            ver=None):
                 """Updates the metadata stored in a package's BASE catalog
-                record for the specified FMRI.  Cannot be used when read_only
+                record for the specified package.  Cannot be used when read_only
                 or log_updates is enabled; should never be used with a Catalog
                 intended for incremental update usage.
+                'metadata' must be a dict of additional metadata to store with
+                the package's BASE record.
                 'pfmri' is the FMRI of the package to update the entry for.
-                'metadata' must be a dict of additional metadata to store with
-                the package's BASE record."""
+                'pub' is the publisher of the package.
+                'stem' is the stem of the package.
+                'ver' is the version string of the package.
+                'pfmri' or 'pub', 'stem', and 'ver' must be provided.
+                """
+                assert pfmri or (pub and stem and ver)
                 assert not self.log_updates and not self.read_only
                 base = self.get_part(self.__BASE_PART, must_exist=True)
                 if base is None:
+                        if not pfmri:
+                                pfmri = fmri.PkgFmri("%s@%s" % (stem, ver),
+                                    publisher=pub)
                         raise api_errors.UnknownCatalogEntry(pfmri.get_fmri())
                 # get_entry returns the actual catalog entry, so updating it
                 # simply requires reassignment.
-                entry = base.get_entry(pfmri)
+                entry = base.get_entry(pfmri=pfmri, pub=pub, stem=stem, ver=ver)
                 if entry is None:
+                        if not pfmri:
+                                pfmri = fmri.PkgFmri("%s@%s" % (stem, ver),
+                                    publisher=pub)
                         raise api_errors.UnknownCatalogEntry(pfmri.get_fmri())
                 if metadata is None:
                         if "metadata" in entry:
--- a/src/modules/client/api.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/modules/client/api.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -3518,28 +3518,39 @@
                 incorp_info, inst_stems = self.get_incorp_info()
-                for pub in servers:
+                slist = []
+                for entry in servers:
                         descriptive_name = None
-                        if self.__canceling:
-                                raise apx.CanceledException()
-                        if isinstance(pub, dict):
-                                origin = pub["origin"]
+                        if isinstance(entry, dict):
+                                origin = entry["origin"]
                                         pub = self._img.get_publisher(
                                 except apx.UnknownPublisher:
                                         pub = publisher.RepositoryURI(origin)
                                         descriptive_name = origin
-                        if not descriptive_name:
-                                descriptive_name = pub.prefix
+                                slist.append((pub, None, descriptive_name))
+                                continue
+                        # Must be a publisher object.
+                        osets = entry.get_origin_sets()
+                        if not osets:
+                                unsupported.append((entry.prefix,
+                                    apx.NoPublisherRepositories(
+                                    entry.prefix)))
+                                continue
+                        for repo in osets:
+                                slist.append((entry, repo, entry.prefix))
+                for pub, alt_repo, descriptive_name in slist:
+                        if self.__canceling:
+                                raise apx.CanceledException()
                                 res = self._img.transport.do_search(pub,
-                                    ccancel=self.__check_cancel)
+                                    ccancel=self.__check_cancel,
+                                    alt_repo=alt_repo)
                         except apx.CanceledException:
                         except apx.NegativeSearchResult:
--- a/src/modules/client/image.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/modules/client/image.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@
                         mdata["states"] = list(states)
                         # Now record the package state.
-                        kcat.update_entry(pfmri, metadata=mdata)
+                        kcat.update_entry(mdata, pfmri=pfmri)
                         # If the package is being marked as installed,
                         # then  it shouldn't already exist in the
@@ -2575,6 +2575,44 @@
                         return True
                 return False
+        def get_pkg_repo(self, pfmri):
+                """Returns the repository object containing the origins that
+                should be used to retrieve the specified package or None if
+                it can be retrieved from all sources or is not a known package.
+                """
+                assert pfmri.publisher
+                cat = self.get_catalog(self.IMG_CATALOG_KNOWN)
+                entry = cat.get_entry(pfmri)
+                if entry is None:
+                        # Package not known.
+                        return
+                try:
+                        slist = entry["metadata"]["sources"]
+                except KeyError:
+                        # Can be retrieved from any source.
+                        return
+                else:
+                        if not slist:
+                                # Can be retrieved from any source.
+                                return
+                pub = self.get_publisher(prefix=pfmri.publisher)
+                repo = copy.copy(pub.repository)
+                norigins = [
+                    o for o in repo.origins
+                    if o.uri in slist
+                ]
+                if not norigins:
+                        # Known sources don't match configured; return so that
+                        # caller can fallback to default behaviour.
+                        return
+                repo.origins = norigins
+                return repo
         def get_pkg_state(self, pfmri):
                 """Returns the list of states a package is in for this image."""
@@ -2776,11 +2814,13 @@
                                 # Only the base catalog part stores package
                                 # state information and/or other metadata.
-                                mdata = entry["metadata"] = {}
-                                states = [self.PKG_STATE_KNOWN]
+                                mdata = entry.setdefault("metadata", {})
+                                states = mdata.setdefault("states", [])
+                                states.append(self.PKG_STATE_KNOWN)
                                 if cat_ver == 0:
-                                else:
+                                elif self.PKG_STATE_V0 not in states:
                                         # Assume V1 catalog source.
--- a/src/modules/client/publisher.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/modules/client/publisher.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 import calendar
+import collections
 import copy
 import cStringIO
 import datetime as dt
@@ -802,6 +803,7 @@
         __client_uuid = None
         __disabled = False
         __meta_root = None
+        __origin_root = None
         __prefix = None
         __repository = None
         __sticky = True
@@ -1049,6 +1051,8 @@
                 if self.__catalog:
                         self.__catalog.meta_root = self.catalog_root
                 if self.__meta_root:
+                        self.__origin_root = os.path.join(self.__meta_root,
+                            "origins")
                         self.cert_root = os.path.join(self.__meta_root, "certs")
                         self.__subj_root = os.path.join(self.cert_root,
@@ -1077,12 +1081,12 @@
         def __str__(self):
                 return self.prefix
-        def __validate_metadata(self):
+        def __validate_metadata(self, croot, repo):
                 """Private helper function to check the publisher's metadata
                 for configuration or other issues and log appropriate warnings
                 or errors.  Currently only checks catalog metadata."""
-                c = self.catalog
+                c = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=croot, read_only=True)
                 if not c.exists:
                         # Nothing to validate.
@@ -1096,10 +1100,10 @@
                 # XXX For now, perform this check using the catalog data.
                 # In the future, it should be done using the output of the
                 # publisher/0 operation.
-                pubs = self.catalog.publishers()
+                pubs = c.publishers()
                 if self.prefix not in pubs:
-                        origins = self.repository.origins
+                        origins = repo.origins
                         origin = origins[0]
 Unable to retrieve package data for publisher '%(prefix)s' from one
@@ -1210,7 +1214,8 @@
                                         # Otherwise, raise the exception.
                 # Optional roots not needed for all operations.
-                for path in (self.cert_root, self.__subj_root, self.__crl_root):
+                for path in (self.cert_root, self.__origin_root,
+                    self.__subj_root, self.__crl_root):
                         except EnvironmentError, e:
@@ -1221,6 +1226,43 @@
                                         # Otherwise, raise the exception.
+        def get_origin_sets(self):
+                """Returns a list of Repository objects representing the unique
+                groups of origins available.  Each group is based on the origins
+                that share identical package catalog data."""
+                if not self.repository or not self.repository.origins:
+                        # Guard against failure for publishers with no
+                        # transport information.
+                        return []
+                if not self.meta_root or not os.path.exists(self.__origin_root):
+                        # No way to identify unique sets.
+                        return [self.repository]
+                # Index origins by tuple of (catalog creation, catalog modified)
+                osets = collections.defaultdict(list)
+                for origin, opath in self.__gen_origin_paths():
+                        cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=opath,
+                            read_only=True)
+                        if not cat.exists:
+                                key = None
+                        else:
+                                key = (str(cat.created), str(cat.last_modified))
+                        osets[key].append(origin)
+                # Now return a list of Repository objects (copies of the
+                # currently selected one) assigning each set of origins.
+                # Sort by index to ensure consistent ordering.
+                rval = []
+                for k in sorted(osets):
+                        nrepo = copy.copy(self.repository)
+                        nrepo.origins = osets[k]
+                        rval.append(nrepo)
+                return rval
         def has_configuration(self):
                 """Returns whether this publisher has any configuration which
                 should prevent its removal."""
@@ -1228,7 +1270,7 @@
                 return bool(self.__repository.origins or
                     self.__repository.mirrors or self.__sig_policy or
                     self.approved_ca_certs or self.revoked_ca_certs)
         def needs_refresh(self):
                 """A boolean value indicating whether the publisher's
@@ -1263,7 +1305,195 @@
                         return True
                 return False
-        def __convert_v0_catalog(self, v0_cat):
+        def __get_origin_path(self, origin):
+                if not os.path.exists(self.__origin_root):
+                        return
+                # A digest of the URI string is used here to attempt to avoid
+                # path length problems.
+                return os.path.join(self.__origin_root,
+                    hashlib.sha1(origin.uri).hexdigest())
+        def __gen_origin_paths(self):
+                if not os.path.exists(self.__origin_root):
+                        return
+                for origin in self.repository.origins:
+                        yield origin, self.__get_origin_path(origin)
+        def __rebuild_catalog(self):
+                """Private helper function that builds publisher catalog based
+                on catalog from each origin."""
+                # First, remove catalogs for any origins that no longer exist.
+                ohashes = [
+                    hashlib.sha1(o.uri).hexdigest()
+                    for o in self.repository.origins
+                ]
+                for entry in os.listdir(self.__origin_root):
+                        opath = os.path.join(self.__origin_root, entry)
+                        try:
+                                if entry in ohashes:
+                                        continue
+                        except Exception:
+                                # Discard anything that isn't an origin.
+                                pass
+                        # Not an origin or origin no longer exists; either way,
+                        # it shouldn't exist here.
+                        try:
+                                if os.path.isdir(opath):
+                                        shutil.rmtree(opath)
+                                else:
+                                        portable.remove(opath)
+                        except EnvironmentError, e:
+                                raise api_errors._convert_error(e)
+                # Discard existing catalog.
+                self.catalog.destroy()
+                self.__catalog = None
+                # Ensure all old catalog files are removed.
+                for entry in os.listdir(self.catalog_root):
+                        if entry == "attrs" or entry == "catalog" or \
+                            entry.startswith("catalog."):
+                                try:
+                                        portable.remove(os.path.join(
+                                            self.catalog_root, entry))
+                                except EnvironmentError, e:
+                                        raise apx._convert_error(e)
+                # If there's only one origin, then just symlink its catalog
+                # files into place.
+                opaths = [entry for entry in self.__gen_origin_paths()]
+                if len(opaths) == 1:
+                        opath = opaths[0][1]
+                        for fname in os.listdir(opath):
+                                if fname.startswith("catalog."):
+                                        src = os.path.join(opath, fname)
+                                        dest = os.path.join(self.catalog_root,
+                                            fname)
+                                        os.symlink(misc.relpath(src,
+                                            self.catalog_root), dest)
+                        return
+                # If there's more than one origin, then create a new catalog
+                # based on a composite of the catalogs for all origins.
+                ncat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(batch_mode=True,
+                    meta_root=self.catalog_root, sign=False)
+                # Mark all operations as occurring at this time.
+                op_time = dt.datetime.utcnow()
+                # Copied from pkg.client.image.Image to avoid circular
+                # dependency.
+                PKG_STATE_V0 = 6
+                for origin, opath in opaths:
+                        src_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=opath,
+                            read_only=True)
+                        for name in src_cat.parts:
+                                spart = src_cat.get_part(name, must_exist=True)
+                                if spart is None:
+                                        # Client hasn't retrieved this part.
+                                        continue
+                                npart = ncat.get_part(name)
+                                base = name.startswith("catalog.base.")
+                                # Avoid accessor overhead since these will be
+                                # used for every entry.
+                                cat_ver = src_cat.version
+                                for t, sentry in spart.tuple_entries(
+                                    pubs=[self.prefix]):
+                                        pub, stem, ver = t
+                                        entry = dict(sentry.iteritems())
+                                        try:
+                                                npart.add(metadata=entry,
+                                                    op_time=op_time, pub=pub,
+                                                    stem=stem, ver=ver)
+                                        except api_errors.DuplicateCatalogEntry:
+                                                if not base:
+                                                        # Don't care.
+                                                        continue
+                                                # Destination entry is in
+                                                # catalog already.
+                                                entry = npart.get_entry(
+                                                    pub=pub, stem=stem, ver=ver)
+                                                src_sigs = set(
+                                                    s
+                                                    for s in sentry
+                                                    if s.startswith("signature-")
+                                                )
+                                                dest_sigs = set(
+                                                    s
+                                                    for s in entry
+                                                    if s.startswith("signature-")
+                                                )
+                                                if src_sigs != dest_sigs:
+                                                        # Ignore any packages
+                                                        # that are different
+                                                        # from the first
+                                                        # encountered for this
+                                                        # package version.
+                                                        # The client expects
+                                                        # these to always be
+                                                        # the same.  This seems
+                                                        # saner than failing.
+                                                        continue
+                                        else:
+                                                if not base:
+                                                        # Nothing to do.
+                                                        continue
+                                                # Destination entry is one just
+                                                # added.
+                                                entry["metadata"] = {
+                                                    "sources": [],
+                                                    "states": [],
+                                                }
+                                        entry["metadata"]["sources"].append(
+                                            origin.uri)
+                                        states = entry["metadata"]["states"]
+                                        if src_cat.version == 0:
+                                                states.append(PKG_STATE_V0)
+                # Now go back and trim each entry to minimize footprint.  This
+                # ensures each package entry only has state and source info
+                # recorded when needed.
+                for t, entry in ncat.tuple_entries():
+                        pub, stem, ver = t
+                        mdata = entry["metadata"]
+                        if len(mdata["sources"]) == len(opaths):
+                                # Package is available from all origins, so
+                                # there's no need to require which ones
+                                # have it.
+                                del mdata["sources"]
+                        if len(mdata["states"]) < len(opaths):
+                                # At least one source is not V0, so the lazy-
+                                # load fallback for the package metadata isn't
+                                # needed.
+                                del mdata["states"]
+                        elif len(mdata["states"]) > 1:
+                                # Ensure only one instance of state value.
+                                mdata["states"] = [PKG_STATE_V0]
+                        if not mdata:
+                                mdata = None
+                        ncat.update_entry(mdata, pub=pub, stem=stem, ver=ver)
+                # Finally, write out publisher catalog.
+                ncat.batch_mode = False
+                ncat.finalize()
+                ncat.save()
+        def __convert_v0_catalog(self, v0_cat, v1_root):
                 """Transforms the contents of the provided version 0 Catalog
                 into a version 1 Catalog, replacing the current Catalog."""
@@ -1272,11 +1502,10 @@
                         # last_modified can be none if the catalog is empty.
                         v0_lm = pkg.catalog.ts_to_datetime(v0_lm)
-                v1_cat = self.catalog
                 # There's no point in signing this catalog since it's simply
                 # a transformation of a v0 catalog.
-                v1_cat.sign = False
+                v1_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(batch_mode=True,
+                    meta_root=v1_root, sign=False)
                 # A check for a previous non-zero package count is made to
                 # determine whether the last_modified date alone can be
@@ -1288,8 +1517,8 @@
                 except (TypeError, ValueError):
                         n0_pkgs = 0
-                if n0_pkgs != v1_cat.package_version_count:
-                        if v0_lm == self.catalog.last_modified:
+                if v1_cat.exists and n0_pkgs != v1_cat.package_version_count:
+                        if v0_lm == v1_cat.last_modified:
                                 # Already converted.
                         # Simply rebuild the entire v1 catalog every time, this
@@ -1297,10 +1526,10 @@
                         # deficiencies in the v0 implementation.
                         self.__catalog = None
-                        v1_cat = self.catalog
+                        v1_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=v1_root,
+                            sign=False)
                 # Now populate the v1 Catalog with the v0 Catalog's data.
-                v1_cat.batch_mode = True
                 for f in v0_cat.fmris():
@@ -1320,20 +1549,23 @@
                 v1_cat.batch_mode = False
-                self.__catalog = v1_cat
-        def __refresh_v0(self, full_refresh, immediate):
+        def __refresh_v0(self, croot, full_refresh, immediate, repo):
                 """The method to refresh the publisher's metadata against
                 a catalog/0 source.  If the more recent catalog/1 version
-                isn't supported, this routine gets invoked as a fallback."""
+                isn't supported, this routine gets invoked as a fallback.
+                Returns a tuple of (changed, refreshed) where 'changed'
+                indicates whether new catalog data was found and 'refreshed'
+                indicates that catalog data was actually retrieved to determine
+                if there were any updates."""
                 if full_refresh:
                         immediate = True
                 # Catalog needs v0 -> v1 transformation if repository only
                 # offers v0 catalog.
-                v0_cat = old_catalog.ServerCatalog(self.catalog_root,
-                    read_only=True, publisher=self.prefix)
+                v0_cat = old_catalog.ServerCatalog(croot, read_only=True,
+                    publisher=self.prefix)
                 new_cat = True
                 v0_lm = None
@@ -1341,7 +1573,7 @@
                         repo = self.repository
                         if full_refresh or v0_cat.origin() not in repo.origins:
-                                        v0_cat.destroy(root=self.catalog_root)
+                                        v0_cat.destroy(root=croot)
                                 except EnvironmentError, e:
                                         if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                                                 raise api_errors.PermissionsException(
@@ -1357,18 +1589,19 @@
                 if not immediate and not self.needs_refresh:
                         # No refresh needed.
-                        return False
+                        return False, False
                 import pkg.updatelog as old_ulog
                         # Note that this currently retrieves a v0 catalog that
                         # has to be converted to v1 format.
-                        self.transport.get_catalog(self, v0_lm)
+                        self.transport.get_catalog(self, v0_lm, path=croot,
+                            alt_repo=repo)
                 except old_ulog.UpdateLogException:
                         # If an incremental update fails, attempt a full
                         # catalog retrieval instead.
-                                v0_cat.destroy(root=self.catalog_root)
+                                v0_cat.destroy(root=croot)
                         except EnvironmentError, e:
                                 if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                                         raise api_errors.PermissionsException(
@@ -1377,25 +1610,28 @@
                                         raise api_errors.ReadOnlyFileSystemException(
-                        self.transport.get_catalog(self)
-                v0_cat = pkg.server.catalog.ServerCatalog(
-                    self.catalog_root, read_only=True,
+                        self.transport.get_catalog(self, path=croot,
+                            alt_repo=repo)
+                v0_cat = pkg.server.catalog.ServerCatalog(croot, read_only=True,
-                self.__convert_v0_catalog(v0_cat)
-                self.last_refreshed = dt.datetime.utcnow()
+                self.__convert_v0_catalog(v0_cat, croot)
                 if new_cat or v0_lm != v0_cat.last_modified():
                         # If the catalog was rebuilt, or the timestamp of the
                         # catalog changed, then an update has occurred.
-                        return True
-                return False
-        def __refresh_v1(self, tempdir, full_refresh, immediate, mismatched):
+                        return True, True
+                return False, True
+        def __refresh_v1(self, croot, tempdir, full_refresh, immediate,
+            mismatched, repo):
                 """The method to refresh the publisher's metadata against
                 a catalog/1 source.  If the more recent catalog/1 version
-                isn't supported, __refresh_v0 is invoked as a fallback."""
+                isn't supported, __refresh_v0 is invoked as a fallback.
+                Returns a tuple of (changed, refreshed) where 'changed'
+                indicates whether new catalog data was found and 'refreshed'
+                indicates that catalog data was actually retrieved to determine
+                if there were any updates."""
                 # If full_refresh is True, then redownload should be True to
                 # ensure a non-cached version of the catalog is retrieved.
@@ -1406,35 +1642,35 @@
                 redownload = full_refresh
                 revalidate = not redownload and mismatched
+                v1_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=croot)
                         self.transport.get_catalog1(self, ["catalog.attrs"],
                             path=tempdir, redownload=redownload,
-                            revalidate=revalidate)
+                            revalidate=revalidate, alt_repo=repo)
                 except api_errors.UnsupportedRepositoryOperation:
                         # No v1 catalogs available.
-                        if self.catalog.exists:
+                        if v1_cat.exists:
                                 # Ensure v1 -> v0 transition works right.
-                                self.catalog.destroy()
+                                v1_cat.destroy()
                                 self.__catalog = None
-                        return self.__refresh_v0(full_refresh, immediate)
+                        return self.__refresh_v0(croot, full_refresh, immediate,
+                            repo)
                 # If a v0 catalog is present, remove it before proceeding to
                 # ensure transitions between catalog versions work correctly.
-                v0_cat = old_catalog.ServerCatalog(self.catalog_root,
-                    read_only=True, publisher=self.prefix)
+                v0_cat = old_catalog.ServerCatalog(croot, read_only=True,
+                    publisher=self.prefix)
                 if v0_cat.exists:
-                        v0_cat.destroy(root=self.catalog_root)
+                        v0_cat.destroy(root=croot)
                 # If above succeeded, we now have a catalog.attrs file.  Parse
                 # this to determine what other constituent parts need to be
                 # downloaded.
                 flist = []
-                if not full_refresh and self.catalog.exists:
-                        flist = self.catalog.get_updates_needed(tempdir)
+                if not full_refresh and v1_cat.exists:
+                        flist = v1_cat.get_updates_needed(tempdir)
                         if flist == None:
-                                # Catalog has not changed.
-                                self.last_refreshed = dt.datetime.utcnow()
-                                return False
+                                return False, True
                         attrs = pkg.catalog.CatalogAttrs(meta_root=tempdir)
                         for name in attrs.parts:
@@ -1450,31 +1686,34 @@
                                 self.transport.get_catalog1(self, flist,
                                     path=tempdir, redownload=redownload,
-                                    revalidate=revalidate)
+                                    revalidate=revalidate, alt_repo=repo)
                         except api_errors.UnsupportedRepositoryOperation:
                                 # Couldn't find a v1 catalog after getting one
                                 # before.  This would be a bizzare error, but we
                                 # can try for a v0 catalog anyway.
-                                return self.__refresh_v0(full_refresh,
-                                    immediate)
+                                return self.__refresh_v0(croot, full_refresh,
+                                    immediate, repo)
+                # Clear __catalog, so we'll read in the new catalog.
+                self.__catalog = None
+                v1_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=croot)
                 # At this point the client should have a set of the constituent
                 # pieces that are necessary to construct a catalog.  If a
                 # catalog already exists, call apply_updates.  Otherwise,
                 # move the files to the appropriate location.
                 validate = False
-                if not full_refresh and self.catalog.exists:
-                        self.catalog.apply_updates(tempdir)
+                if not full_refresh and v1_cat.exists:
+                        v1_cat.apply_updates(tempdir)
-                        if self.catalog.exists:
+                        if v1_cat.exists:
                                 # This is a full refresh.  Destroy
                                 # the existing catalog.
-                                self.catalog.destroy()
-                                self.__catalog = None
+                                v1_cat.destroy()
                         for fn in os.listdir(tempdir):
                                 srcpath = os.path.join(tempdir, fn)
-                                dstpath = os.path.join(self.catalog_root, fn)
+                                dstpath = os.path.join(croot, fn)
                                 pkg.portable.rename(srcpath, dstpath)
                         # Apply_updates validates the newly constructed catalog.
@@ -1482,15 +1721,10 @@
                         # have the new catalog validated.
                         validate = True
-                # Update refresh time.
-                self.last_refreshed = dt.datetime.utcnow()
-                # Clear __catalog, so we'll read in the new catalog.
-                self.__catalog = None
                 if validate:
-                                self.catalog.validate()
+                                v1_cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=croot)
+                                v1_cat.validate()
                         except api_errors.BadCatalogSignatures:
                                 # If signature validation fails here, that means
                                 # that the attributes and individual parts were
@@ -1499,39 +1733,27 @@
                                 # be the result of a broken source providing
                                 # an attributes file that is much older or newer
                                 # than the catalog parts being provided.
-                                self.catalog.destroy()
-                                self.__catalog = None
+                                v1_cat.destroy()
                                 raise api_errors.MismatchedCatalog(self.prefix)
-                return True
-        def __refresh(self, full_refresh, immediate, mismatched=False):
-                """The method to handle the overall refresh process.  It
-                determines if a refresh is actually needed, and then calls
-                the first version-specific refresh method in the chain."""
-                assert self.catalog_root
-                assert self.transport
-                if full_refresh:
-                        immediate = True
-                # Ensure consistent directory structure.
-                self.create_meta_root()
-                # Check if we already have a v1 catalog on disk.
-                if not full_refresh and self.catalog.exists:
-                        # If catalog is on disk, check if refresh is necessary.
-                        if not immediate and not self.needs_refresh:
-                                # No refresh needed.
-                                return False
-                if not self.repository.origins:
-                        # Nothing to do.
-                        return False
+                return True, True
+        def __refresh_origin(self, croot, full_refresh, immediate, mismatched,
+            origin):
+                """Private helper method used to refresh catalog data for each
+                origin.  Returns a tuple of (changed, refreshed) where 'changed'
+                indicates whether new catalog data was found and 'refreshed'
+                indicates that catalog data was actually retrieved to determine
+                if there were any updates."""
+                # Create a copy of the current repository object that only
+                # contains the origin specified.
+                repo = copy.copy(self.repository)
+                repo.origins = [origin]
                 # Create temporary directory for assembly of catalog pieces.
-                        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.catalog_root)
+                        misc.makedirs(croot)
+                        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=croot)
                 except EnvironmentError, e:
                         if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                                 raise api_errors.PermissionsException(
@@ -1544,17 +1766,68 @@
                 # Ensure that the temporary directory gets removed regardless
                 # of success or failure.
-                        rval = self.__refresh_v1(tempdir, full_refresh,
-                            immediate, mismatched)
+                        rval = self.__refresh_v1(croot, tempdir,
+                            full_refresh, immediate, mismatched, repo)
                         # Perform publisher metadata sanity checks.
-                        self.__validate_metadata()
+                        self.__validate_metadata(croot, repo)
                         return rval
                         # Cleanup tempdir.
                         shutil.rmtree(tempdir, True)
+        def __refresh(self, full_refresh, immediate, mismatched=False):
+                """The method to handle the overall refresh process.  It
+                determines if a refresh is actually needed, and then calls
+                the first version-specific refresh method in the chain."""
+                assert self.transport
+                if full_refresh:
+                        immediate = True
+                for origin, opath in self.__gen_origin_paths():
+                        misc.makedirs(opath)
+                        cat = pkg.catalog.Catalog(meta_root=opath,
+                            read_only=True)
+                        if not cat.exists:
+                                # If a catalog hasn't been retrieved for
+                                # any of the origins, then a refresh is
+                                # needed now.
+                                immediate = True
+                                break
+                # Ensure consistent directory structure.
+                self.create_meta_root()
+                # Check if we already have a v1 catalog on disk.
+                if not full_refresh and self.catalog.exists:
+                        # If catalog is on disk, check if refresh is necessary.
+                        if not immediate and not self.needs_refresh:
+                                # No refresh needed.
+                                return False
+                any_changed = False
+                any_refreshed = False
+                for origin, opath in self.__gen_origin_paths():
+                        changed, refreshed = self.__refresh_origin(opath,
+                            full_refresh, immediate, mismatched, origin)
+                        if changed:
+                                any_changed = True
+                        if refreshed:
+                                any_refreshed = True
+                if any_refreshed:
+                        # Update refresh time.
+                        self.last_refreshed = dt.datetime.utcnow()
+                # Finally, build a new catalog for this publisher based on a
+                # composite of the catalogs from all origins.
+                self.__rebuild_catalog()
+                return any_changed
         def refresh(self, full_refresh=False, immediate=False):
                 """Refreshes the publisher's metadata, returning a boolean
                 value indicating whether any updates to the publisher's
--- a/src/modules/client/transport/transport.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/modules/client/transport/transport.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -196,6 +196,25 @@
                 raise NotImplementedError
+        def get_pkg_alt_repo(self, pfmri):
+                """Returns the repository object containing the origins that
+                should be used to retrieve the specified package or None.
+                'pfmri' is the FMRI object for the package."""
+                if not self.pkg_pub_map:
+                        return
+                # Package data should be retrieved from an alternative location.
+                pfx, stem, ver = pfmri.tuple()
+                sver = str(ver)
+                pmap = self.pkg_pub_map
+                try:
+                        return pmap[pfx][stem][sver].repository
+                except KeyError:
+                        # No alternate known for source.
+                        return
         def get_publisher(self, publisher_name):
                 raise NotImplementedError
@@ -296,6 +315,17 @@
                 return self.__img.get_manifest_path(pfmri)
+        def get_pkg_alt_repo(self, pfmri):
+                """Returns the repository object containing the origins that
+                should be used to retrieve the specified package or None.
+                'pfmri' is the FMRI object for the package."""
+                alt_repo = TransportCfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(self, pfmri)
+                if not alt_repo:
+                        alt_repo = self.__img.get_pkg_repo(pfmri)
+                return alt_repo
         def get_property(self, property_name):
                 if not self.__img.cfg:
                         raise KeyError
@@ -606,7 +636,8 @@
                 return self.__cadir
-        def get_catalog(self, pub, ts=None, ccancel=None):
+        def get_catalog(self, pub, ts=None, ccancel=None, path=None,
+            alt_repo=None):
                 """Get the catalog for the specified publisher.  If
                 ts is defined, request only changes newer than timestamp
@@ -614,7 +645,11 @@
                 failures = tx.TransportFailures()
                 retry_count = global_settings.PKG_CLIENT_MAX_TIMEOUT
                 header = self.__build_header(uuid=self.__get_uuid(pub))
-                croot = pub.catalog_root
+                download_dir = self.cfg.incoming_root
+                if path:
+                        croot = path
+                else:
+                        croot = pub.catalog_root
                 # Call setup if the transport isn't configured or was shutdown.
                 if not self.__engine:
@@ -624,7 +659,8 @@
                 # prior to this operation.
-                for d in self.__gen_repo(pub, retry_count, origin_only=True):
+                for d in self.__gen_repo(pub, retry_count, origin_only=True,
+                    alt_repo=alt_repo):
                         repostats = self.stats[d.get_url()]
@@ -995,9 +1031,8 @@
                                 for o in tpub.repository.origins:
                                         if not alt_repo.has_origin(o):
-                elif self.cfg.pkg_pub_map:
-                        alt_repo = self.__get_alt_repo(fmri,
-                            self.cfg.pkg_pub_map)
+                elif fmri:
+                        alt_repo = self.cfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(fmri)
                 for d, v in self.__gen_repo(pub, retry_count, operation="file",
                     versions=[0, 1], alt_repo=alt_repo):
@@ -1109,9 +1144,8 @@
                 header = self.__build_header(intent=intent,
-                pmap = self.cfg.pkg_pub_map
-                if not alt_repo and pmap:
-                        alt_repo = self.__get_alt_repo(fmri, pmap)
+                if not alt_repo:
+                        alt_repo = self.cfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(fmri)
                 for d in self.__gen_repo(pub, retry_count, origin_only=True,
@@ -1170,9 +1204,8 @@
                 # the directories.
-                pmap = self.cfg.pkg_pub_map
-                if not alt_repo and pmap:
-                        alt_repo = self.__get_alt_repo(fmri, pmap)
+                if not alt_repo:
+                        alt_repo = self.cfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(fmri)
                 for d in self.__gen_repo(pub, retry_count, origin_only=True,
@@ -1221,15 +1254,6 @@
                 raise failures
-        def __get_alt_repo(self, pfmri, pmap):
-                # Package data should be retrieved from an
-                # alternate location.
-                pfx, stem, ver = pfmri.tuple()
-                sver = str(ver)
-                if pfx in pmap and stem in pmap[pfx] and \
-                    sver in pmap[pfx][stem]:
-                        return pmap[pfx][stem][sver].repository
         def prefetch_manifests(self, fetchlist, excludes=misc.EmptyI,
             progtrack=None, ccancel=None, alt_repo=None):
@@ -1285,13 +1309,10 @@
                 # this routine must process.
                 mx_pub = {}
-                pmap = None
-                if not alt_repo:
-                        pmap = self.cfg.pkg_pub_map
+                get_alt = not alt_repo
                 for fmri, intent in fetchlist:
-                        if pmap:
-                                alt_repo = self.__get_alt_repo(fmri, pmap)
+                        if get_alt:
+                                alt_repo = self.cfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(fmri)
                         # Multi transfer object must be created for each unique
                         # publisher or repository.
@@ -1314,10 +1335,6 @@
                         # fmri.  Value contains (header, fmri) tuple.
                         mx_pub[eid].add_hash(fmri, (header, fmri))
-                        # Must reset every cycle if pmap is set.
-                        if pmap:
-                                alt_repo = None
                 for mxfr in mx_pub.values():
                         namelist = [k for k in mxfr]
                         while namelist:
@@ -2167,9 +2184,8 @@
                 if not self.__engine:
-                pmap = self.cfg.pkg_pub_map
-                if not alt_repo and pmap:
-                        alt_repo = self.__get_alt_repo(fmri, pmap)
+                if not alt_repo:
+                        alt_repo = self.cfg.get_pkg_alt_repo(fmri)
                         pub = self.cfg.get_publisher(fmri.publisher)
--- a/src/pull.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/pull.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -269,14 +269,13 @@
         sendb = 0
         sendcb = 0
-        for atype in ("file", "license", "signature"):
-                for a in mfst.gen_actions_by_type(atype):
-                        if a.needsdata(None, None):
-                                multi.add_action(a)
-                                getb += get_pkg_otw_size(a)
-                                getf += 1
-                                sendb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.size", 0))
-                                sendcb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.csize", 0))
+        for a in mfst.gen_actions():
+                if a.has_payload:
+                        multi.add_action(a)
+                        getb += get_pkg_otw_size(a)
+                        getf += 1
+                        sendb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.size", 0))
+                        sendcb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.csize", 0))
         return getb, getf, sendb, sendcb
 def prune(fmri_list, all_versions, all_timestamps):
--- a/src/tests/api/t_catalog.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/tests/api/t_catalog.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 import testutils
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -972,7 +972,7 @@
                 # Update logging has to be disabled for this to work.
                 cat.log_updates = False
-                cat.update_entry(p2_fmri, { "foo": True })
+                cat.update_entry({ "foo": True }, pfmri=p2_fmri)
                 entry = cat.get_entry(p2_fmri)
                 self.assertEqual(entry["metadata"], { "foo": True })
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/tests/cli/t_pkg_composite.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+import testutils
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+        testutils.setup_environment("../../../proto")
+import pkg5unittest
+import os
+import pkg.fmri as fmri
+import pkg.portable as portable
+import pkg.misc as misc
+import pkg.p5p
+import shutil
+import stat
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+class TestPkgCompositePublishers(pkg5unittest.ManyDepotTestCase):
+        # Don't discard repository or setUp() every test.
+        persistent_setup = True
+        # Tests in this suite use the read only data directory.
+        need_ro_data = True
+        foo_pkg = """
+            open pkg://test/[email protected]
+            add set name=pkg.summary value="Example package foo."
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=lib
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/local
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/local/bin
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share/doc
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share/doc/foo
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share/man
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share/man/man1
+            add file tmp/foo mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin/foo
+            add file tmp/libfoo.so.1 mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=lib/libfoo.so.1 variant.debug.foo=false
+            add file tmp/libfoo_debug.so.1 mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=lib/libfoo.so.1 variant.debug.foo=true
+            add file tmp/foo.1 mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=usr/share/man/man1/foo.1 facet.doc.man=true
+            add file tmp/README mode=0444 owner=root group=bin path=/usr/share/doc/foo/README
+            add link path=usr/local/bin/soft-foo target=usr/bin/foo
+            add hardlink path=usr/local/bin/hard-foo target=/usr/bin/foo
+            close """
+        incorp_pkg = """
+            open pkg://test/[email protected]
+            add set name=pkg.summary value="Incorporation"
+            add depend type=incorporate [email protected],5.11-0.1
+            close
+            open pkg://test/[email protected]
+            add set name=pkg.summary value="Incorporation"
+            add depend type=incorporate [email protected],5.11-0.2
+            close """
+        signed_pkg = """
+            open pkg://test/[email protected]
+            add depend type=require [email protected]
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin
+            add file tmp/quux mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin/quark
+            add set name=authorized.species value=bobcat
+            close """
+        quux_pkg = """
+            open pkg://test2/[email protected],5.11-0.1
+            add set name=pkg.summary value="Example package quux."
+            add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/incorp
+            close
+            open pkg://test2/[email protected],5.11-0.2
+            add set name=pkg.summary value="Example package quux."
+            add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/incorp
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr
+            add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin
+            add file tmp/quux mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=usr/bin/quux
+            close """
+        misc_files = ["tmp/foo", "tmp/libfoo.so.1", "tmp/libfoo_debug.so.1",
+            "tmp/foo.1", "tmp/README", "tmp/LICENSE", "tmp/quux"]
+        def __seed_ta_dir(self, certs, dest_dir=None):
+                if isinstance(certs, basestring):
+                        certs = [certs]
+                if not dest_dir:
+                        dest_dir = self.ta_dir
+                self.assert_(dest_dir)
+                self.assert_(self.raw_trust_anchor_dir)
+                for c in certs:
+                        name = "%s_cert.pem" % c
+                        portable.copyfile(
+                            os.path.join(self.raw_trust_anchor_dir, name),
+                            os.path.join(dest_dir, name))
+        def image_create(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                pkg5unittest.ManyDepotTestCase.image_create(self,
+                    *args, **kwargs)
+                self.ta_dir = os.path.join(self.img_path(), "etc/certs/CA")
+                os.makedirs(self.ta_dir)
+        def __publish_packages(self, rurl):
+                """Private helper function to publish packages needed for
+                testing.
+                """
+                pkgs = "".join([self.foo_pkg, self.incorp_pkg, self.signed_pkg,
+                    self.quux_pkg])
+                # Publish packages needed for tests.
+                plist = self.pkgsend_bulk(rurl, pkgs)
+                # Sign the 'signed' package.
+                r = self.get_repo(self.dcs[1].get_repodir())
+                sign_args = "-k %(key)s -c %(cert)s -i %(i1)s -i %(i2)s " \
+                    "-i %(i3)s -i %(i4)s -i %(i5)s -i %(i6)s %(pkg)s" % {
+                      "key": os.path.join(self.keys_dir, "cs1_ch5_ta1_key.pem"),
+                      "cert": os.path.join(self.cs_dir, "cs1_ch5_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i1": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch1_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i2": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch2_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i3": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch3_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i4": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch4_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i5": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch5_ta1_cert.pem"),
+                      "i6": os.path.join(self.chain_certs_dir,
+                          "ch1_ta3_cert.pem"),
+                      "pkg": plist[3]
+                    }
+                self.pkgsign(rurl, sign_args)
+                # This is just a test assertion to verify that the
+                # package was signed as expected.
+                self.image_create(rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.__seed_ta_dir("ta1")
+                self.pkg("set-property signature-policy verify")
+                self.pkg("install signed")
+                self.image_destroy()
+                return [
+                    fmri.PkgFmri(sfmri)
+                    for sfmri in plist
+                ]
+        def __archive_packages(self, arc_name, repo, plist):
+                """Private helper function to archive packages needed for
+                testing.
+                """
+                arc_path = os.path.join(self.test_root, arc_name)
+                assert not os.path.exists(arc_path)
+                arc = pkg.p5p.Archive(arc_path, mode="w")
+                for pfmri in plist:
+                        arc.add_repo_package(pfmri, repo)
+                arc.close()
+                return arc_path
+        def setUp(self):
+                pkg5unittest.ManyDepotTestCase.setUp(self, ["test", "test",
+                    "test", "empty"])
+                self.make_misc_files(self.misc_files)
+                # First repository will contain all packages.
+                self.all_rurl = self.dcs[1].get_repo_url()
+                # Second repository will contain only foo.
+                self.foo_rurl = self.dcs[2].get_repo_url()
+                # Third repository will contain only signed.
+                self.signed_rurl = self.dcs[3].get_repo_url()
+                # Fourth will be empty.
+                self.empty_rurl = self.dcs[4].get_repo_url()
+                self.pkgrepo("refresh -s %s" % self.empty_rurl)
+                # Setup base test paths.
+                self.path_to_certs = os.path.join(self.ro_data_root,
+                    "signing_certs", "produced")
+                self.keys_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs, "keys")
+                self.cs_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs,
+                    "code_signing_certs")
+                self.chain_certs_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs,
+                    "chain_certs")
+                self.pub_cas_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs,
+                    "publisher_cas")
+                self.inter_certs_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs,
+                    "inter_certs")
+                self.raw_trust_anchor_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs,
+                    "trust_anchors")
+                self.crl_dir = os.path.join(self.path_to_certs, "crl")
+                # Publish packages.
+                plist = self.__publish_packages(self.all_rurl)
+                self.pkgrepo("refresh -s %s" % self.all_rurl)
+                # Copy foo to second repository and build index.
+                self.pkgrecv(self.all_rurl, "-d %s foo" % self.foo_rurl)
+                self.pkgrepo("refresh -s %s" % self.foo_rurl)
+                # Copy incorp and quux to third repository and build index.
+                self.pkgrecv(self.all_rurl, "-d %s signed" % self.signed_rurl)
+                self.pkgrepo("refresh -s %s" % self.signed_rurl)
+                # Now create a package archive containing all packages, and
+                # then one for each.
+                repo = self.dcs[1].get_repo()
+                self.all_arc = self.__archive_packages("all_pkgs.p5p", repo,
+                    plist)
+                for alist in ([plist[0]], [plist[1], plist[2]], [plist[3]],
+                    [plist[4], plist[5]]):
+                        arc_path = self.__archive_packages(
+                            "%s.p5p" % alist[0].pkg_name, repo, alist)
+                        setattr(self, "%s_arc" % alist[0].pkg_name, arc_path)
+                self.ta_dir = None
+                # Store FMRIs for later use.
+                self.foo10 = plist[0]
+                self.incorp10 = plist[1]
+                self.incorp20 = plist[2]
+                self.signed10 = plist[3]
+                self.quux01 = plist[4]
+                self.quux10 = plist[5]
+        def test_00_list(self):
+                """Verify that the list operation works as expected when
+                compositing publishers.
+                """
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Verify list output for multiple, disparate sources using
+                # different combinations of archives and repositories.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s -g %s test" % (self.signed_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("list -afH ")
+                expected = \
+                    ("foo (test) 1.0 ---\n"
+                    "signed (test) 1.0 ---\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_rurl,
+                    self.foo_arc))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.incorp_arc)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test2" % self.quux_arc)
+                self.pkg("list -afH")
+                expected = \
+                    ("foo (test) 1.0 ---\n"
+                    "incorp (test) 2.0 ---\n"
+                    "incorp (test) 1.0 ---\n"
+                    "quux (test2) 1.0-0.2 ---\n"
+                    "quux (test2) 0.1-0.1 ---\n"
+                    "signed (test) 1.0 ---\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("list -afH")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G \* -g %s test" % self.all_arc)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s -g %s test2" % (
+                    self.quux_arc, self.all_arc, self.all_rurl))
+                self.pkg("list -afH -g %s -g %s" % (self.all_arc,
+                    self.all_rurl))
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                # Verify packages can be installed from disparate sources and
+                # show in default list output.
+                self.pkg("install [email protected] quux signed")
+                self.pkg("list -H")
+                expected = \
+                    ("foo (test) 1.0 i--\n"
+                    "incorp (test) 1.0 i--\n"
+                    "quux (test2) 0.1-0.1 i--\n"
+                    "signed (test) 1.0 i--\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+        def test_01_info(self):
+                """Verify that the info operation works as expected when
+                compositing publishers.
+                """
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Verify info result for multiple disparate sources using
+                # different combinations of archives and repositories.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s -g %s test" % (self.signed_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("info -r [email protected] [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s -g %s test" %
+                    (self.foo_rurl, self.foo_arc, self.incorp_arc))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test2" % self.quux_arc)
+                self.pkg("info -r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("info -g %s -g %s -g %s -g %s [email protected] [email protected] "
+                    "[email protected] [email protected]" % (
+                    self.signed_arc, self.incorp_arc, self.quux_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G \* -g %s -g %s test" %
+                    (self.all_arc, self.all_rurl))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G \* -g %s -g %s test2" %
+                    (self.all_arc, self.all_rurl))
+                self.pkg("info -r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]")
+                # Verify package installed from archive shows in default info
+                # output.
+                self.pkg("install [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("info")
+                expected = """\
+          Name: foo
+       Summary: Example package foo.
+         State: Installed
+     Publisher: test
+       Version: 1.0
+ Build Release: 5.11
+        Branch: None
+Packaging Date: %(pkg_date)s
+          Size: 41.00 B
+          FMRI: %(pkg_fmri)s
+""" % { "pkg_date": self.foo10.version.get_timestamp().strftime("%c"),
+    "pkg_fmri": self.foo10 }
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, self.output)
+        def test_02_contents(self):
+                """Verify that the contents operation works as expected when
+                compositing publishers.
+                """
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Verify contents result for multiple disparate sources using
+                # different combinations of archives and repositories.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s -g %s test" % (self.signed_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("contents -r [email protected] [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s -g %s test" %
+                    (self.foo_rurl, self.foo_arc, self.incorp_arc))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test2" % self.quux_arc)
+                self.pkg("contents -r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_arc,
+                    self.foo_rurl))
+                self.pkg("contents -r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G \* -g %s -g %s test" %
+                    (self.all_arc, self.all_rurl))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G \* -g %s -g %s test2" %
+                    (self.all_arc, self.all_rurl))
+                self.pkg("contents -r [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]")
+                # Verify package installed from archive can be used with
+                # contents.
+                self.pkg("install [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("contents foo")
+        def test_03_install_update(self):
+                """Verify that install and update work as expected when
+                compositing publishers.
+                """
+                #
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                #
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Verify that packages with dependencies can be installed when
+                # using multiple, disparate sources.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_arc,
+                    self.signed_arc))
+                self.pkg("install signed")
+                self.pkg("list foo signed")
+                self.pkg("uninstall \*")
+                # Verify publisher can be removed.
+                self.pkg("unset-publisher test")
+                #
+                # Create an image using the signed archive.
+                #
+                self.image_create(misc.parse_uri(self.signed_arc), prefix=None)
+                self.__seed_ta_dir("ta1")
+                # Verify that signed package can be installed and the archive
+                # configured for the publisher allows dependencies to be
+                # satisfied.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.foo_arc)
+                self.pkg("set-property signature-policy verify")
+                self.pkg("publisher test")
+                self.pkg("install signed")
+                self.pkg("list foo signed")
+                # Verify that removing all packages and the signed archive as
+                # a source leaves only foo known.
+                self.pkg("uninstall \*")
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s test" % self.signed_arc)
+                self.pkg("list -aH")
+                expected = \
+                    ("foo 1.0 ---\n"
+                    "signed 1.0 ---\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                #
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                #
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Install an older version of a known package.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.all_arc)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test2" % self.all_arc)
+                self.pkg("install [email protected]")
+                self.pkg("list [email protected] [email protected]")
+                # Verify that packages can be updated when using multiple,
+                # disparate sources (that have some overlap).
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.incorp_arc)
+                self.pkg("update")
+                self.pkg("list [email protected] [email protected]")
+                #
+                # Create an image using the signed archive.
+                #
+                self.image_create(misc.parse_uri(self.signed_arc), prefix=None)
+                self.__seed_ta_dir("ta1")
+                # Add the incorp archive as a source.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.incorp_arc)
+                # Now verify that temporary package sources can be used during
+                # package operations when multiple, disparate sources are
+                # already configured for the same publisher.
+                self.pkg("install -g %s incorp signed" % self.foo_rurl)
+                self.pkg("list incorp foo signed")
+        def test_04_search(self):
+                """Verify that search works as expected when compositing
+                publishers.
+                """
+                #
+                # Create an image and verify no packages are known.
+                #
+                self.image_create(self.empty_rurl, prefix=None)
+                self.pkg("list -a", exit=1)
+                # Add multiple, different sources.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s -g %s test" % (self.foo_rurl,
+                    self.signed_rurl))
+                # Verify a remote search that should only match one of the
+                # sources works as expected.
+                self.pkg("search -Hpr -o pkg.shortfmri /usr/bin/foo")
+                expected = "pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                # Verify a remote search for multiple terms that should match
+                # each source works as expected.
+                self.pkg("search -Hpr -o pkg.shortfmri /usr/bin/foo OR "
+                    "/usr/bin/quark")
+                expected = \
+                    ("pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                # Add a source that partially overlaps with the existing ones
+                # (provides some of the same packages) and verify that some
+                # of the results are duplicated (since search across sources
+                # is a simple aggregation of all sources).
+                self.pkg("set-publisher -g %s test" % self.all_rurl)
+                self.pkg("search -Hpr -o pkg.shortfmri /usr/bin/foo OR "
+                    "/usr/bin/quark OR Incorporation")
+                expected = \
+                    ("pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n"
+                    "pkg:/[email protected]\n")
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+                # Add a publisher with no origins and verify output still
+                # matches expected (although it will currently exit 3).
+                self.pkg("set-publisher no-origins")
+                self.pkg("search -Hpr -o pkg.shortfmri /usr/bin/foo OR "
+                    "/usr/bin/quark OR Incorporation", exit=3)
+                output = self.reduceSpaces(self.output)
+                # Elide error output from client to verify that search
+                # results were returned despite error.
+                output = output[:output.find("pkg: ")] + "\n"
+                self.assertEqualDiff(expected, output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+        unittest.main()
--- a/src/tests/cli/t_pkg_publisher.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/tests/cli/t_pkg_publisher.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -451,32 +451,38 @@
                 durl4 = self.dcs[4].get_depot_url()
                 durl5 = self.dcs[5].get_depot_url()
-                # Test single add.
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s1 test1" % (add_opt,
-                    self.bogus_url))
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s2 test1" % (add_opt,
-                    self.bogus_url))
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s5" % (add_opt,
+                # Test single add; --no-refresh must be used here since the URI
+                # being added is for a non-existent repository.
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s1 test1" %
+                    (add_opt, self.bogus_url))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s2 test1" %
+                    (add_opt, self.bogus_url))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s5" % (add_opt,
                     self.bogus_url), exit=2)
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s test1" % add_opt, exit=2)
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s1 test1" % (add_opt,
-                    self.bogus_url), exit=1)
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s1 test1" %
+                    (add_opt, self.bogus_url), exit=1)
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s5 test11" % (add_opt,
                     self.bogus_url), exit=1)
                 if etype == "origin":
-                        self.pkg("set-publisher %s %s7 test1" % (add_opt,
-                            self.bogus_url), exit=1)
+                        self.pkg("set-publisher %s %s7 test1" %
+                            (add_opt, self.bogus_url), exit=1)
                 # Test single remove.
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s1 test1" % (remove_opt,
-                    self.bogus_url))
-                self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s2 test1" % (remove_opt,
-                    self.bogus_url))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s1 test1" %
+                    (remove_opt, self.bogus_url))
+                self.pkg("set-publisher --no-refresh %s http://%s2 test1" %
+                    (remove_opt, self.bogus_url))
+                # URIs to remove not specified using options, so they are seen
+                # as publisher names -- only one publisher name may be
+                # specified at a time.
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s test11 http://%s2 http://%s4" % (
                     remove_opt, self.bogus_url, self.bogus_url), exit=2)
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s5" % (remove_opt,
                     self.bogus_url), exit=2)
+                # publisher name specified to remove as URI.
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s test1" % remove_opt, exit=2)
+                # URI already removed or never existed.
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s5 test11" % (remove_opt,
                     self.bogus_url), exit=1)
                 self.pkg("set-publisher %s http://%s6 test1" % (remove_opt,
--- a/src/tests/cli/t_pkg_sysrepo.py	Thu May 12 16:55:35 2011 -0700
+++ b/src/tests/cli/t_pkg_sysrepo.py	Thu May 12 19:11:16 2011 -0700
@@ -550,10 +550,10 @@
                 # go through the user configured origin.
                 self.sc.conf = self.apache_confs["none"]
-                # Check that the catalog can be refreshed and that the
-                # communcation with the repository works.
+                # Check that the catalog can't be refreshed and that the
+                # communcation with the repository fails.
                 self.pkg("contents -rm example_pkg")
-                self.pkg("refresh --full")
+                self.pkg("refresh --full", exit=1)
                 # Check that removing the system configured origin fails.
                 self.pkg("set-publisher -G %s test1" % self.durl1, exit=1)